Japanese Medium Tank
WWII Type 97 Chi-Ha
Atlantis | No. A313 | 1:48

- メーカー:
- Atlantis
- タイトル:
- Japanese Medium Tank WWII Type 97 Chi-Ha
- 品番:
- A313
- 縮尺:
- 1:48
- タイプ:
- フルキット
- 発売日:
- 2022 新デカール
- バーコード:
- 0850002740936 (EAN)
- 包装:
- リジッドボックス(トップオープナー)
- トピック:
- Type 97 Chi-Ha » タンク (乗り物)
295x165x55 mm
(11.6x6.5x2.2 inch)
160 g (0.35 lbs)
全履歴 »市場

USD 17.59

¥ 2856

代替SKU Atlantis A313:
AANA313 | AMCA313 | ALMA313
注意: 価格と在庫状況はあくまで目安です。製品が実際に一致するかどうかも確認してください。

When this kit came out I made the mistake of getting excited, especially when I read the glowing review on the Atlantis' website.
I remember building it when it first came out, and it went together well, and the wheels and tracks worked unusually well.
So I bought two of them, and ironically enough, they BOTH proved to be rubbish that my money was wasted on.
BOTH OF THEM (I bought them from two different sources) had the same problem of the upper hull being bowed with the front and rear fenders distinctly curved up.
Then add to that, the hull bottom being DISHED IN THE MIDDLE, so it was warped into the exact OPPOSITE direction of the upper hull, curving down at the ends, making any sort of a decent fit impossible. I tried clamping, etc., and the one I worked on looked like a wrecked vehicle, with major gaps on both ends, etc.
1 9 January 2023, 04:48

九七式中戦車写真集 (チハから新砲塔チハまで) (Photo Album of the Japanese Medium Tank Type 97 “Chi-Ha”)
Kazunori Yoshikawa
2020 全てのウォークアラウンド » (13 合計)