
59 画像
Avro CF-105 Arrow (Hobbycraft)
Stickeration has begun!
プロジェクト: Avro CF-105 Arrow
すべてのコメント (39) » 32 18 January, 15:15

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14 March, 19:46

Hello, makes a good impression according to the instructions, but does not come close to the model from Zoukei-Mura, but that's also due to the price difference and the availability of the model. The price at retailers for the ones still available is around €160. I paid €149 at Ammo Mig. The hoards at Takom are a good alternative. The cockpit is well detailed and a good €70 kit.
14 March, 19:40

17 画像
Mirage 2000C 5-OP - Operation Daguet
Primed. Pretty happy with the nose.
すべてのコメント (13) » 20 25 February, 13:40

yes to DAGUET 1991 = good war armament is MAGIC II , MATRA 530 and ventral reservoir ! for air defens superiority ! on the 2000 under the engine fuselage at the rear, a central decoy box was fitted as a matter of urgency in place of the parachute housing and on both sides!
14 March, 19:25

すべてのコメント (12) » 23 20 November 2024, 12:30

Andrew, don't be discouraged. You're doing a fabulous job. The result will be very good when it's finished. Your project is serving as inspiration for me when I do mine.
Have you done anything with the air intake? It's not hollow in the kit, and there don't seem to be any aftermarket replacements. However, there is a Pavla accessory for the exhaust nozzle.
1 14 March, 19:23

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14 March, 19:21

Trying to find Trumpeter C-47 invasion stripes does any still make them? 1/48scale
14 March, 00:56

I'd be surprised if there are none available. It might be worth looking on the Microscale site or just asking them if they have anything suitable:
Bear in mind that invasion stripes were roughly painted onto aircraft so you may be able to hand paint them if you don't use an airbrush. If they aren't perfect it would be historically accurate. 😄
14 March, 08:06

すべてのコメント (6) » 6 24 January 2023, 16:30

this is the owner's email: armaq135@gmail.com, his name is Gabriel
14 February, 23:08

すべてのコメント (8) » 18 14 March, 12:26

Thanks guys! Sebastian, it's not a bad kit, but very demanding and as regularly with the KH kits, lots of errors and mistakes. I tried to fix most of them, Furball included a nice A4 sized error list, it was very helpful too. Because none exists other Cougar kit in the market, it's the best choice in this scale...
14 March, 18:49

8 1 March, 02:20

It was a rowdy start with the left part of the frame warped. I removed the warp with a thread tended between the wheelbays. Some changes were done to the interior to place the PE parts. A lot of parts are still dry-fit until after painting everything black. A strange thing is the gauge decal that has to be reversed from the sheet.
8 March, 22:59

37 画像
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')
Primed in grey with the MRP LPG Fine Surface Primer. I haven't used this primer before, but it certainly worked out grea...
プロジェクト: Saab J 35F 'Draken' - Hasegawa
すべてのコメント (24) » 25 12 March, 17:23

Dear friends, you are too kind .... Blue-green camo it shall be, just kind of reasonably sun-bleached, nothing too fancy. I am still experimenting with the MRP range, so I will need to be a bit careful not to mess up.
14 March, 17:23

Following late! Shame to see the C-conversion set is wrong-sized. Was it one-time bad luck or could it apply to all sets? One reason could be mold and resin shrinking that is normally very small but with that large and long part the shrinking became significant factor.
14 March, 17:54

11 画像
SAS Landrover Pink Panther 
1 hour into the build
プロジェクト: S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther
すべてのコメント (12) » 12 9 March, 14:08

17 画像
Tamiya 1:48 Mosquito Mk IV B
Props fitted
プロジェクト: Tamiya Mosquito Mk IV B
14 6 March, 09:16

すべてのコメント (9) » 12 16 December 2024, 18:05

Thanks Villiers! My daughter asked me today if I had only built two ships and one small plane after working such a long time. She looked incredulous when I told her that was actually the case🙂
1 23 February, 20:57

The notorious "pocket battleship" Graf Spee! Taking a seat for this one!
1 27 February, 20:14

8 画像
Porsche 918 - Revell - slow work in progress
Ref image.
プロジェクト: Porsche 918 - Revell
5 10 March, 09:48

12 15 February, 22:03

Hi, looking good and nothing to complain about. I would just recommend to clean and blend in your wash a bit.
I´m using the same varnish and it doesn´t feel that smooth most time so im probably doing something wrong myself.
So sometimes im using 3000er sandpaper after it. What color did you use? I want to build a Merkava sometime "soon" too.
1 16 February, 12:32

48 画像
Tamiya | No. 61026 | 1:48 | BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1
2021/24: OOB build of the '80s Tamiya 1/48 kit.
プロジェクト: BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1
すべてのコメント (24) » 51 17 January 2022, 12:08

Thanks all for your encouraging likes and comments. I had to push myself to finally finish this one, it's a long way from perfect I acknowledge. But it's given me experience if nothing else for a nicer kit version by a different manufacturer in the future. It's niggling me that on the teaser image I didn't seat the canopy properly - I usually leave these loose so anyone can inspect the cockpit - it's just something I did as a child. However I may need to re-take this image just because you can see a small gap, which shouldn't be there... Modellers, we're all so fussy! As the wife will confirm when we talk about my DIY decorating timescales!... Anyway, thanks also to those who've separately liked 👍 You're all very kind 🙂 Next up, finally time to update the Black Bunny F-14 Tomcat album too...
1 14 March, 16:53

79 画像
ERA-3B "Whale" Skywarrior
The last painting before gloss varnish.
プロジェクト: ERA-3B “Whale” Skywarrior
すべてのコメント (26) » 49 8 October 2024, 16:31

Thank you Jakube, it is not perfect, there are some places they need final touches. I struggle with sharpness of the masks, maybe the plotter I have is not that precise. I need to find the proper setting and better way to construct masks.
1 9 March, 17:16

That surprises me. It looks great in the photos. So, good luck with setting up and constructing masks
1 11 March, 20:15

55 画像
Nevada Snake
With Alclad 312 coating. Pulls everything together and a light sheen to it. Happy.
プロジェクト: Block 32: Nevada Snake
すべてのコメント (15) » 36 16 January, 22:38

13 画像
Gothic Gabled House - Anklam, Germany 1925
Glued all parts together. So ready for the final details now.
すべてのコメント (7) » 9 28 February, 21:34

Oh wow, impressive project 👍
So now, with the 3D printing we could have any building actually me thinks
1 4 March, 12:37