スレッドの開始者 Hunter Cummins

Wouldnt this have metal for the schurzen?
18 July 2014, 15:13

Yeah... indeed... very nice kit but the DS Tracks made it go straight to my "Never ever buy" list.
18 July 2014, 17:07

Oh come on guys lol I love ds tracks
but dragon is scaring me
ihavent seen a release with magic tracks in a while
18 July 2014, 17:15

Well, that's the point exactly.
Some people love DS Tracks, some people love Magic Tracks. But Dragon keeps insisting on screwing one halve of their customer base. They should simply provide BOTH. They already have them anyway... and please no one tell me it's to costly to add both... it isn't.
I will simply NOT buy a kit that has DS Tracks only, simply because I happen to not like them. I have a few Dragon kits with DS Tracks in my stash, checked them out and totally disliked them. So now I have to dish out another 20 to 30 Euro for another set of tracks... this while these kits are already EXPENSIVE as it is!
For instance, the StuG III F/8 Early Italy (#6620). This is a very expensive kit! I have one. Really a BEAUTIFUL kit too! Yet it has DS Tracks only... I mean really...
Dragon should pull their collective heads out of their asses and do the right thing. Add BOTH ds and magic tracks to their kits.
And yes, I'm fairly disgruntled about it.
18 July 2014, 17:27

That´s good... so I not forced to buy one of their new kits😉
Seriously though... why can´t they simply include both? those tiny little bags of plastic can´t be that expensive to add, but would create so much joy among us (long term) modellerers...
And again... too slow, someone else had the same thoughts😉
18 July 2014, 17:31

They would probably add 3 mabey 4 dollars to the kit
worth itnin my eyes. Or sell the magic tracks separate like they used to do. ( I like to buy plastic ostkettin and winterkettin and different sherman tracks. I would pay 10 dollars a box for the magic track sets like that. I wish dragon would do it again like they used to
18 July 2014, 17:36

Haha! Fabian! 😉
Not too slow though! I am actually glad you feel the same way! 👍
And yeah, maybe their DS tracks strategy is indeed the cure for our "want them all" disease 😛 lol Thanks Dragon! 👍 😄
18 July 2014, 17:37

Honestly, if they increase prices even further, for kits that are mainly and largely built with sprues from already existing kits (because that is exactly what they are doing) then I'm done with Dragon. I mean, come on, they can add Magic Tracks to their Orange Boxes without increasing prices, right? So why can't they do that with the "regular" kits.
Prices for the newer kits are already crazy as it is. Adding plastic from molds they already have (magic tracks or ds tracks) in my eyes does not justify further price increases. I'm not being cheap here, I have the money and I will spend it if the kit is good! But I will not spend ANY money on a half-assed kit.
But anyway, I don't want to derail this thread any further😉 sorry about that! 🙂
18 July 2014, 17:48

I'm not quite sure wether there are really so much modellers that like the DS tracks. Every single modeller I've heard from dislikes them but adds that "there are a lot of people who love them". Where do they get this from? Dragon marketing department? Anyone here at Scalemates who likes DSs? Please comment!
Anyway, regarding the exorbitant prices Dragon takes for the kits, providing both kind of tracks is the least thing they could do. As for me, I won't buy any 50+ bucks kit without acceptable tracks included. Cured!😉
18 July 2014, 17:53

Jörg, there are in fact no hard numbers (none publicly published anyway) to prove any statement. Dragon has developed those DS Tracks to make it easier to build their kits. Thereby targeting an entirely different crowd (young children, occasional builders, WoT crowd, etc.).
I think you are absolutely right in saying that the larger part of the modeling crowd present on this type of website will like Magic Tracks over DS Tracks (not necessarily hating them of course).
Just like any commercial institution, Dragon will look at sales figures only. If they sell more kits with DS Tracks then they will continue manufacturing those. I think it's as simple as that... money talks.
So the only way to stop them from doing so, is to stop buying kits with DS Tracks altogether😉
18 July 2014, 18:02

I like the DS tracks, but only for the U.S. tanks like the Shermans that have no sag.
18 July 2014, 18:15

@John: As for WoT -- I recently read a nice comment "Why I hate World of Tanks" in "The Armor Journal" (Issue #1, p.52), with which I fully agree:
@Wayne: With metal tracks there is no such thing as "no sag". If you ever tried to lift a track segment, you know why. OK, Shermans typically showed very little sag, but even that depends on situation:
18 July 2014, 19:28

John I acctually like this becuase in a week when more modellers on here comment and say what they like, I will email ot to dragon in hongkomg and say read it and make the right decision for once. DS tracks should be used on sherman and allied tanks and vehicals on sherman chassis. And MAGIC TRACKS SHOULD BE USED ON EVERY OTHER KIT!!!!!!!!!!!! OR ADD BOTH TO THE KITS !!!
18 July 2014, 19:31