スレッドの開始者 Lerxst

82 2 September 2022, 17:09

Well Guy, there are undersized seats and oversized MGs (well it looks that way to me!). So far a well fitting kit. Thanks for the visit!
2 September 2022, 17:55

Might be an idea to have a look in your spares box or after market...🙂
2 September 2022, 18:05

Might do for MGs, and will add belts to seats (none provided) but most won't be seen….Law of Diminishing Returns
Plus, the Chinese guy doing the colour call-outs decided to knock off for the day and we don't know the colours for the internal flaps, undercarriage etc. I'll take an educated guess though. Oh, and the markings are for an executive transport- not an Atlantic hunter
2 September 2022, 18:07

Oh...! I always wanted to know if this one is better than Revell's one.
Nice start, Andy! 👍
2 September 2022, 18:54

Thanks again Robert and Cuajete! You're both regular wingmen on these missions!!….
Cuajete, I'm led to believe the Trumpy is better than Rev, and doesn't Revel cater for the later versions?
2 September 2022, 21:56

Great choice Andy. Like Cuajete, I'll be interested to see how this kit compares to the Revell. I don't possess either , but if I ever consider getting one, your experience will swing it one way or the other!
3 September 2022, 08:23

Oh very nice project, it is a monster plane. Looki g forward for the result. So far it looks perfect. Great job
3 September 2022, 17:04

The old revell did not have any real detail in the internals.Nice Andy.Are you working through your stash.
5 September 2022, 15:56

Thank-you David, pretty big I must admit! So far no
Issues with fit- just those attention to details we modellers crave-Trumpeter up your game!
10 September 2022, 21:37

Thanks Cuajete, having seen the 48th version of this, I see it is quite the scaled down version, and with no discernible way of peering into the fuselage, it's all for nothing…
10 September 2022, 21:39

Indeed David, making a dent …
But ordered 3 more into stash last week. Fool!
10 September 2022, 21:40

Hi Neil. Can't comment on Revell, obviously, but so far the fit and simplicity of build and parts is fabulous. It's just the decals/torpedos/colour call-outs that are not to standard
10 September 2022, 21:43

Awaiting the Xtradecal 72.262 sheet and the Vallejo RLMs for the uppers. Will recommence build early next week….
10 September 2022, 21:46

Looks like you're building fast as ever Andy. Very impressed you have ordered RLM72/73 rather than just use 70/71. Even on my RLM colour charts they are very similar, so it will be interesting to compare them although I suspect it will be difficult to see on a photo. And of course the colour charts never match each other anyway!
10 September 2022, 23:04

@Neil: regarding RLMs, I have the 70/71, but a worm in the brain said to try the correct ones- I bet you're right though, hardly any difference. Trumpeter call outs are 70/71, but many inaccurate colour labelling on this kit. I'm no forensic modeller, honest!, but if I know for certain then I'll correct it or adopt it!
11 September 2022, 09:08

@Rui S, come join the flight of the Condor- we're over the Bay of Biscay presently!!
11 September 2022, 09:09

@David: just you put that kit away right now!! We don't want any trouble!!
11 September 2022, 09:12

Amazing piece of history, launching beaten-up Hurricanes as single-use defences against the Conder. Allthough not unsuccesfull...
11 September 2022, 16:59

True @Bas, thanks for the note! Looking at the kit, the area around the cockpit and nose seem ahead of their time in terms of 'form', almost modern!
12 September 2022, 18:30

Thanks Cuajete- got the paints today, so tooling up for some upper side RLM'ing
12 September 2022, 18:30

A beautiful plane. One has been recently restored from a heap of scrap metal: fw200-restaurierung-../2021/06/17/summary/
Watching your progress with interest.
12 September 2022, 22:51

For sure Michael-I was aware of the Condorians, but not of their huge efforts of a near-total rebuild without plans. It is a fitting testament to theirs and FW's original designs that it is on display!
13 September 2022, 06:29

Thanks Cuajete and Juergen. Thanks for the nudge onwards!!
I hope to commence the upper sides over the weekend - i have also noticed that the aerial will need a small relocation according to the version depicted - further details in the build later…
16 September 2022, 22:11

@Neil Patrick: having compared Vallejo's RLM 70/71/72/73 combo's- I am satisfied that there's a difference- the maritime greens are almost indistinguishable- the 70/71 have more contrast. IMHO…
21 September 2022, 20:06

Failed to sign in on time - will you pick me up with your next stopover?
21 September 2022, 20:18

Thomas, I've reserved the W/O seat, just behind the pilot in front of the bulkhead- yours to enjoy and explore. Thank-you.
21 September 2022, 20:48

Nice to se the 72/73 on now Andy. I'm sure I cannot see a true representation of the hues here, but what I can see looks very good!
22 September 2022, 11:39

Thanks Neil, the hues are subtle and 'drab' (which is what I am sure is intended)….on a separate note: Sir Edward and Lady Helen Nall were impressed with the work of you and Knocker….we're off to the International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln to dig out some more research into local crashes…
22 September 2022, 21:07

Looking good and lots of tips for when I get around to doing mine. 👍
23 September 2022, 10:14

Have a good research trip Andy. Knocker and I will be keen to hear what you find out. Hopefully we can discuss at Telford.
23 September 2022, 10:44

Hi Guy, I've added some more comments and hope anyone who's interested in build this will have some 'prior'…
23 September 2022, 12:39

Cheers Neil, thinking ahead- do you have a preference for the day at Telford?
23 September 2022, 12:40

Villiers de Vos- appreciative of your encouragement and comments- cheers!
23 September 2022, 19:23

Nice Condor so far Andy! I am currently reading a book of U-Boat operations and Condor's contribution was huge. Following!
23 September 2022, 21:18

Please let me know the outcomeS Micky. I think the Condor was master of all it surveyed for a while until the allies worked out it's nemesis- ship-board Hurricanes and ultimately the Shorts Sunderland- and of course Vichy France capitulated in 1944……
23 September 2022, 21:40

I will Andy, It is a long book( Hitler's U-Boat's War by Clay Blair). I am in the final pages of 1st volume -1939-1942. "The Hunters"
23 September 2022, 22:47

@Micky- persevere with your book, I'm sure it will be interesting. Let me know if you have any intelligence you can share with me for W.Nr.0037? I believe it nay have been damaged on the ground?
24 September 2022, 08:09

Will let you know about our day for Telford Andy. Probably will be Sunday too.
25 September 2022, 10:26

Thanks Marius!
I've added some decals today- will move into a light weathering mode next.
27 September 2022, 15:13

@David Taylor: what are 293s? I'm going to use (what looks like to me) 2 x 500kg bombs and may try 2x 250kg ones out of the spares
29 September 2022, 21:17

Ah, that'll not be mine. The torpedos supplied are unlikely on a C3 too.
29 September 2022, 21:27

The grace of this plane is undeniable. One day I will build one. But in its intended role as passenger plane.
29 September 2022, 21:50

True Michael, I draw a parallel to the SM-79, lovely in their civilian guise but once the military had designs on them they lost some of their grace.
30 September 2022, 22:47

Cuajete and Juergen- thanks for your respective comments! I'm nearly done with it. I don't know how Revell's kit goes together, but despite Trumpy's inaccuracies it is a great piece of plastic togetherness!
2 October 2022, 20:44

When completed, I'm sure you had that Condor moment....(imaginary of course). 🙂 Great build Andy, I've enjoyed your pics and comments. 👍
3 October 2022, 14:34

Ha ha Guy, we are of a certain generation that remembers those adverts!? Glad to have had you along on the Bay of Biscay mission!
3 October 2022, 17:58

Built a couple of 500kg bombs - will add to a diorama in the near future
9 April 2023, 13:06

Andy, the bombs looks great! Surface reproduction looking so good 👍
Waiting for the future dio 😉
9 April 2023, 17:56

Hi Cuajete!, I can recommend them for any Luftwaffe project. The Condor usually carried 4 of them, the kit provided only 2. These resin ones really show up the plastic ones from the kit - but they're a good addition to have!
9 April 2023, 22:45

Great topic and finish 👍
That's your best try to hide a build A so far, congrats! October till May, how come?
25 May 2023, 20:01

Ł: "my 2 methods are stealth, surprise and a fanatical devotion to the genre"….." dammit…I mean my 3 methods…" (with apologies to Monty Python). I guess like some of yours they just get lost under the clutter of other stuff! It's a lovely kit though, just crummy decals and stupid torpedoes. Is pinky still going?
25 May 2023, 22:04

Which is "köszi" 😋
Yes, Pinky is being riveted currently, new pics to come soon
26 May 2023, 06:59

Wow, Ł. a multi-linguist in addition to a multi-talented modellist.
thank-you again Mojo
14 June 2023, 12:25

Thanks Mr James….quite viceless in its building- just the inaccuracies you need to deal with - as I remember
5 March 2024, 02:38