スレッドの開始者 musclecarfan

56 28 October 2022, 06:18

Finally decided that this one is to be dark Aqua pearl with maybe a two tone aqua interior. Deflashed the chassis and other bits including the engine.
21 November 2022, 06:31

Pontiac had a great engine color. Look forward to seeing this one too
27 November 2022, 04:25

Emblems and scripts covered with BMF. Body in primer. Emblems re-revealed via sanding and acetone.
28 November 2022, 04:37

Front bumper had ugly seams on the sides and bad chrome. Sanded them down and dechroming whole bumper.
Body is now in paint. Decanted Testors enamel. Needs to cure. It has been a week and is still tacky.
5 December 2022, 01:37

Kyle Thanks.
Jv, I agree.
Cut free and modified front bucket seats.
7 December 2022, 06:40

Dominik, Thanks. Except for some dust bits. They all turned out pretty.
8 December 2022, 04:38

Cut all the seat bases to make them more realistic in the front by tucking them under. Patched up the gaps with styrene bits. Sanded them down and applied some spot putty for the low spots. Body and chassis paint is still curing while I perform other tasks.
11 December 2022, 03:53

I did some research online to find that all three of the 65 consoles are a poor excuse of an automatic transmission console. They sit too low, do not have the proper amount of forward drop and do not have enough material to reach/attach to the bottom of the dash.
Besides I am going all 4-speeds which means they are all wrong to begin with. I have started to fabricate new consoles from some styrene I-beam. I am going to create the shifter porch/surround from unused Bonneville custom grille(s).
I added pics of a rough mock up of where I am headed. I just need two more custom grilles to cut up.
13 December 2022, 07:12

Cut the I-beam chunks for all three 65 consoles. (The 1st prototype is too short in front). The depth and width looked like some popsicle sticks could be used to create genuine wood veneer. Turns out they can. I used sandpaper taped to my bench and my palm sander to thin the sticks down to the thickness I needed.
15 December 2022, 05:25

Just got a few models today
Kits have stickers for wood I think you just gave me a great idea
15 December 2022, 23:12

I think your right Bob
Me to its been hot as hell for the last few days here
I may just build the hole thing out of popsicle sticks
Bill please let us know what flavours are best for the job
15 December 2022, 23:26

Jv, It came to me after doing research on the 1:1. they used real wood.
Kyle, Thanks.
Bob, I wish. They actually came from my wife's craft stash.
16 December 2022, 06:47

Work continues on my 3 consoles. Bailed on using custom grille for shifter pocket. Too round and I do not have two more. Went with simply fabricating them from scratch. They have better shape and size too. Next is working on wood inlays for two of them.
25 December 2022, 00:03

Back at it again. Finally got some free time to shoot my first ever attempt at chrome. The front bumper turned out pretty nice. Once it cures, I will attempt to detail the grille and lenses.
8 January 2023, 00:51

I haven't tried to spray any chrome yet myself but plan on giving it a try soon.
8 January 2023, 01:26

Kyle, Check out Barbados Rex on Youtube. He has numerous videos and quite a number of chrome like paints. He does comparisons on their finish and has also done tests on clear coats for them. Based on what I have seen I am using Green Stuff World and Future clear coats. There is a wide variety of products and prices.
8 January 2023, 01:58

Thank you Bill! I have watched many of his videos in the past but haven't sat down to go through the various chromes. Will do that soon. I did use his channel to purchase my first airbrush though. I've never even done that before so we'll see how it goes.
8 January 2023, 02:49

GSI Mr. Hobby Procon Boy. .3 needle. Looking forward to trying it out.
8 January 2023, 14:01

My favorite gun it pretty close. I have the Mr Hobby Procon Boy 0.5mm needle with the trigger and extended handle. I was naughty and let my 1st one get gummed up. When I finally cleaned it, I hurt one of the O-rings. After looking at the price of a needle, nozzle and O-ring, I was halfway to a new one so I just bought a new one instead. Well worth $100 to me.
8 January 2023, 22:54

Everyone seems happy with their Procon Boy so hopefully I will be too. And, Well, I just didn't want to get a cheap one out of the gate. I build enough models it's worth it to me to spend the money. But I got the .3 on sale for $80. Figured it was worth that to have some decent equipment. Now just to start experimenting with it and trying to learn airbrushing.
9 January 2023, 00:43

It's not an exact science mate, but low pressure and the thinning, are the key. The only way you can get a feel of things, is to go for it. Try doing something on an old For Sale sign? Plastic reacts to paint, differently than paper, so practice on something that won't cost you a fortune. Then, when you're comfortable, give it a shot 👍
9 January 2023, 22:10

I appreciate it. Not going to jump into without practice. I know the best way to learn is to do it. I have a couple of old airplanes I built before I had any idea at all what I was doing that are really bad. Thinking of using them as test bodies. Also some stuff I built as a kid found in my parents closet that I could strip send have a go at. And then if I get comfortable, some kits in my stash that aren't important to me to use as test miles as well!
9 January 2023, 22:14

Bozzer when things are cheap lol, okay 80 USD is not bad. I just spent like 65 USD on some different chrome stuff to try, lol. Kyle let me know how it goes because airbrushing is next for me as well. Bill just awesome man, love it
10 January 2023, 02:48

I'm just waiting on a water separator and some thinner and then I'm going to start experimenting Jarrett! Always been rattle cans my whole life so no idea what I'm getting into. Agreed about Bill's work. Great stuff.
10 January 2023, 03:13

All I f your guys work is great. Looking forward to the new year and more awesome builds.
10 January 2023, 05:08

I have not been air brushing for very long but I have learned pretty fast. I have no experience with water/alcohol acrylics so I have no opinion there. I have heard they dry really fast.
I have a ton of rattle cans that are full of paint but generally fail to spray properly because some of them a over 20 years old. When I decant them, I can spray straight as is. The control is WAY better and they lay down nice.
However my favorite thus far is good old Testors bottled enamel thinned 50/50 with Home Depot lacquer thinner. It lays down a gloss that I do not have to wet sand or polish. Since it is enamel, it does take some time to cure. No big deal to me as I have plenty of other tasks to do while it does.
Coverage: A decanted Testors 3oz rattle can will easily spray two full car bodies. You will get more coverage with less waste.
A Testors 0.5 oz bottle is able to do one car body if you are careful. Paints with transparency might need a little bit more so have a 2nd bottle handy.
My 65 Bonneville is decanted rattle can.
My 65 Grand Prix, 65 2+2 and 66 Bonneville are all bottled paint thinned.
My Race car hauler is bottled paint thinned.
My orange 68 Shelby is decanted rattle can.
10 January 2023, 06:02

I've seen people just use paints from Rustoluem and I have recently used Behr... You are probably rolling your eyes lol but I am settling into getting my small little place ready. Are Tamiya paints still king?
10 January 2023, 14:08

I use a lot of Tamiya but if I like a color I like a color. I'll paint with anything. Lol
10 January 2023, 14:59

Lads, for airbrushing straight from the bottle, no mixing involved, I recommend MRP paint. However, this is only to get you into airbrushing? The real skill, (and a lot of cursing), is to go for it, and play, mix, and learn, with what you have?
Just remember, to thin with the type of thinner, that your paint uses!
You can't thin enamel, with water?
Do your homework, gentlemen 100%
10 January 2023, 19:08

I work with paint in my every day job. And spray equipment actually, so I'm well aware of the horrors of mismatched thinners and things of that nature. I plan to experiment plenty!
10 January 2023, 19:18

Kyle, petrol/gasoline, has some amazing outcomes, but I insist, ONLY TO BE DONE OUTSIDE, in perfect weather conditions!
I did my 1:1 brake calipers, in that exact way, with my Badger 360 😉
10 January 2023, 19:38

Yes. Gasoline is a surprisingly effective thinner. Have used it myself. Also 100% outside.
10 January 2023, 20:04

Thank you, Kyle and Bozzer. I will test those waters, air brushing around the May timeframe.
10 January 2023, 20:21

My scratch built consoles are finished. The turned out better that could have imagined. Then again, I have about a month invested in them. When I went to put the shifters and their boots in, they no longer fit. Rather than fab and sand littler boots, I cheated. I just took small dabs of Silly Putty and pushed it into the pockets from below. After painting the surface black, I just stuck my shifters in the putty. It is soft enough that a very small dude could actually "row the gears" so to speak.
13 January 2023, 06:02

Brilliant comeback, and you would never know any difference! Can't wait to see the rest of this, come together.
13 January 2023, 07:03

Those wooden inlays are amazing. Great looking result on the consoles!!
13 January 2023, 13:19

Bill, I agree with the experts. Great job on using real wood. Question, these cars were before my time, did they come with the option of all wooden center console?
13 January 2023, 18:26

I had a very busy Summer. I have been working on my Pontiacs sporadically. Finished up detailing the wheels and tires. Hand painted to redlines and goldlines. Hand painted all 64 of the triangles on the rims with my tiniest brush. I 1st tried panel liner but it went nowhere where I wanted it. The pics do not do them justice. They turned out great.
28 September 2023, 05:33

Goldlines on tires? That is new for me. Redline and whitewall ok. But never recognized goldlines!
28 September 2023, 09:34

I admire your patience mate. In my youth, those lines wouldn't have been a problem. But now, that kind of precision, would take me days. And I know for sure, that I'd have to redo more than one, before I'd be happy! I have to seriously control my breathing, and steady my hand, while keeping a decent distance, so I can see the bloody brush!
Great work mate!
28 September 2023, 17:41

Oh yeah. Don't see the gold lines too often. I think Coker or someone is still selling them as re-pros as I've seen them at a car show or two around here. A good look on some cars. Those time and tires all look great.
28 September 2023, 23:50

Thanks, Dominik. I am pretty pleased how they turned out. I have a good 2-3 hours in all 16 rims.
Christian, Goldlines are pretty rare. They were offered on Corvettes in 1966. I have seen some Cadillacs in the 80's and 90's with them so I associate them with luxury cars. The plan is to try them one the 65 Bonneville and see if it looks appropriate.
Bozzer, I am not as steady handed as the results appear. These tires actually have narrow grooves in them deep enough I had to do two coats. However, since I used enamel, it will be awhile before they cure fully. Something about the vinyl in the tires drastically slows the process, Good thing I am a slow builder.
Kyle, I too see them once in awhile at shows. Something different.
29 September 2023, 05:01

Great. I never ever noticed them. I have to do a little research (because of the Corvette 😄)
29 September 2023, 08:27

No way! So cool. I guess, I'll keep that in my mind when I start my 1966 Corvette. Something different and I guess a neat detail which is nearly forgotten.
30 September 2023, 09:31

After months of on again off again work, I finally got my 1st "Big Girls" interior done. I went all out on detailing it/them.
Scratch built 10 piece the console with real wood inlays and metal shifter shaft.
Used custom mixed mica powder for carpet and 4 different methods for chrome details.
Made 2 piece arm rests and six 3 piece window cranks.
Detailed the dash with custom mixed "wood" paint and back mounted speedometer decal.
"Lucite" steering wheel made from 6 different parts including stainless steel turn signal stalk.
Clear portions of steering wheel yellow tinted from decanted Testors clear enamel.
Too bad it will get hidden in the car rarely to be seen again.
I wish my phone could take clearer pictures.
20 October 2023, 20:59

Wow very effective. You will have to take the roof off and make it a cabrio!
21 October 2023, 04:07

What a brilliant interior! The wooden inserts look like the real veneer!
21 October 2023, 07:14

Thanks, Nigel. I would consider it if they made such a kit.
Thanks, Istvan. The console actually are. The dash, I made very thinned brown paint and wicked it in like panel liner.
Thanks, Kyle.
21 October 2023, 19:28

Thanks, Christian. I put more than quadruple the effort into it than I usually do on interiors just to see if I could get the results. Very time consuming which triggers my procrastinating gene. But I have plowed through it.
21 October 2023, 22:41

I was nearing final assembly and discovered my intended choice of tires were not to my liking. With the chosen tires in mock up, they just looked too dinky in the rear wheel wells. I raided the parts box and was left disappointed. Some of my sets of white walls were wide enough but not tall enough. Others were tall enough but were just way too skinny. Yes, there are decals out in the world but they look like well... decals. Hand painting a PERFECT width and concentric white circle is WAY beyond my talents. So I got creative. I found some black wall tires the were both tall enough and wide enough. With the right wheel backs the Pontiac 8 lug wheels fit very nice as well. I chucked them up in my lathe on a 7/16" deep socket. I mounted an #11 Exacto knife blade in a tool stand and sliced two perfectly concentric circles in the side wall. I then slowly sliced out all the rubber/vinyl between them. I then used a stick pin to dab thinned white paint into the newly formed groove. It was a bit messy but once the edges were cleaned up. They looked PERFECT. Now I have some appropriately sized white walls for the rear of both Bonnevilles.
23 December 2023, 07:12

Wow Bill you should do YouTube tutorials or run a master class!
23 December 2023, 21:05

Ah, wonderful. Fantastic work. Way to get through that issue. Typically every time I want to use white walls they're the wrong width or height.
24 December 2023, 00:20

Thanks guys. I just wanted a solution for my dilemma. Free and neat wins the day.
24 December 2023, 10:01

I love how you used the lathe! I've actually 3D printed a mini one, for exactly things like this! That reminds me, I've created a new album, to show you crazy guys, the birth of my new cave. I'll drop a link in, below, so you can see how it comes alive.
24 December 2023, 12:25

Merry Christmas Jv. Thanks Christian. Bozzer, I am jealous of your new space. My only advantage is mine is in the house.
25 December 2023, 00:35

Well gents, this one got done along with her Big Girl sisters. I present to you JADE, a 1965 Pontiac Bonneville with a 356HP 421 Tri-Power and a 4-speed. She is painted in Testors Chezoom Teal Pearl blue-green metallic with a well detailed turquoise interior. Lots of skill expanding detail has been put into her including scratch built console with REAL wood inlays and 1st successful interior flocking.
Comments welcome.
31 December 2023, 21:24

Wow, that's really beautiful. I love the paint color. The extra details and the finishing are artistry.
31 December 2023, 21:32

Looks awesome. I really like the color. The detail work including the wood is pure craftsmanship.
31 December 2023, 21:46

Beautiful. Absolutely a stunning conclusion. Love your color choice. All the extra work you did sure paid off.
31 December 2023, 23:18

wow, it looks fantastic, and with the workshop, truly amazing. I love the trick for the white lines.
1 January 2024, 10:35

@Spanjaard, yes. I still have to get the bearings and the rod for it to slide on, but everything else is done. You can actually use it to carve wood, when it's complete.
1 January 2024, 13:58

Thank you, Kyle. That was the goal. 🙂
Thank you, Istavan and Neuling. 🙂
Spanjaard, Thank you, It was a problem and I solved it. 🙂
1 January 2024, 18:24

@bozzer, you need to make a detail album about that (sorry Bill, not trying to derail the topic of this wonderful build)
1 January 2024, 18:42

b e a u t i f u l ! I love this. from your four, this is my favorite. what a beauty.
11 January 2024, 10:18

I went to a car show with my best friend and his car guy son. I brought some models for the model show they were having as well. I won 1st place in the factory stock class. After that I came home to my awesome wife and had homemade beef stew with vegetables from our garden. It was a really good day. 🙂
21 January 2024, 06:31

Damn that is awesome paint job, wow! Great work Bill! Congratulations!!! Man do I love that Eagle medal!
15 March 2024, 19:07

Thank you Jarrett. It is decanted Testors rattle can with Future clear coat with ZERO sanding, polishing or buffing. The award is nice. I like wall plaques better than trophys. Trophys take up shelf space that should be used for kits or models.
16 March 2024, 05:22