スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 paulthebox

24 8 January 2023, 15:48
Paul 著者
My first submarine is the I-400 carrier from Tamiya.
 8 January 2023, 15:50
Simon Nagorsnik
A really good result for the first time doing a submarine👍
 8 January 2023, 15:53
Robert Podkoński
Good work, Paul!
 8 January 2023, 16:18
Guy Rump
Great build. 👍
 8 January 2023, 18:13
David Taylor
Nice one Paul.
 8 January 2023, 18:45
Rui S
Well made 👍
 8 January 2023, 22:17
Kyle DeHart
Very cool. Nice job!
 8 January 2023, 22:35
Nicos D
Nice build Paul.
 26 August 2024, 12:48

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