スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 ntom

Tamas Nemeth
104 30 August 2023, 19:45
Rui S
Interesting 👍 I'm in 😎
 5 September 2023, 11:30
 19 September 2023, 03:33
John Ballman
Interior looks very real, thanks for sharing your work.
 19 September 2023, 06:08
I'm in here. 👍
 15 October 2023, 22:23
Hans-Jürgen Haag
That looks like an real engin!
 16 October 2023, 07:01
 16 October 2023, 07:12
Erik Leijdens
Serious kit and work! Looks impressive. Taking a seat
 16 October 2023, 07:15
 22 November 2023, 08:58
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work so far.
 22 November 2023, 17:07
Nathan Dempsey
Following. Looking great!
 22 November 2023, 23:38
Lochsa River
Great stuff....
 24 November 2023, 10:01
Andy Ball
Oh. My. Word!
 24 November 2023, 10:57
Dieter Bihlmaier
Great built so far Tamas!
 24 November 2023, 11:16
Michael Kohl
 24 November 2023, 16:10
Robert Podkoński
A little late, but joining the party!
 24 November 2023, 17:08
Pietro De Angelis
 24 November 2023, 18:05
Callum Murrie
She's a ripper, can't wait to see it done
 25 November 2023, 10:03
David Taylor
 25 November 2023, 11:04
Rui S
And I really apreciate what i'm seeing 👍
 25 November 2023, 16:40
Tamas Nemeth 著者
Thank you all!
 26 November 2023, 23:10
Roberto Genero
Outstanding!! 👏🏻
 1 December 2023, 22:41
Dietmar Bogatzki
Awesome build 👍
 2 December 2023, 06:26
Rolf Rolf
Your skills amaze me
 2 December 2023, 08:59
This is next level, great inspiring craftmanship. Thank you for sharing👍🏻
 2 December 2023, 10:33
WOW! Top quality work.
 2 December 2023, 16:07
Tamas Nemeth 著者
Over the weekend, I finished the starboard engine with the nacelle. This engine will be partially cowled only.
 11 December 2023, 06:13
Sy Bar
🍿 just great work here
 11 December 2023, 08:28
Michael Kohl
Sy is absolutely right.
 11 December 2023, 12:45
Villiers de Vos
Very realistic weathering work on the engine.
 11 December 2023, 18:46
Mr James
Bloody hell...! That is quite outstanding work. The wood effect, the leather chair, the engine grime. I could go on and on. Absolutely superb modelling skills 🙂
 11 December 2023, 18:55
Tamas Nemeth 著者
I'm getting closer to finishing it. Hopefully, one more week, and done.
 7 June 2024, 03:43
Michael Kohl
Anxious about the final result. Everything on the way looks just gorgeous.
 7 June 2024, 07:51
Excellent work so far, Looking forward for the final result.
You should start a masterclass with the skillset you have.👏🏼
 7 June 2024, 08:32
Sy Bar
Wow I genuinely thought picture 108 in my news feed was of a museum aircraft you were using as ref for your build. Amazing results and photography
 11 June 2024, 06:03
Michael Kohl
I can only second Sy. Had the same impression.
Hard to imagine, but it is actually getting even better.
 11 June 2024, 06:06
Andy Dallibar
Top job sir! Marvelous set of skills you have there.
 11 June 2024, 06:14
Robert Podkoński
I've had the same impression as Sy Bar! That's simply awesome! Keep it up, Tamas!
 11 June 2024, 06:56
Tamas Nemeth 著者
Thank you!
 11 June 2024, 06:56
Landlubber Mike
Wow, this is amazing work! Modeling at its finest!
 11 June 2024, 12:59
wow. this is truly awesome. absolutely amazing. so realistic.....
 11 June 2024, 14:16
David Taylor
In absolute aw.
 11 June 2024, 15:57
Erik Off
Even if I look at the photo for longer, it looks like a real machine. Oo
 12 June 2024, 06:36
Andreas Böttcher
This is modelling in a class of its own! Absolutely amazing. Although the kit is already very good!
 12 June 2024, 10:07
Dieter Bihlmaier
Simply perfect!
 12 June 2024, 13:24
I agree with everyone, esp with Mr James - the detailing and careful craftsmanship is out of this world!
 12 June 2024, 16:13
Antoine Meylan
Magnifique!! Je suis!
 12 June 2024, 17:04
Tamas Nemeth 著者
Thank you!
 7 July 2024, 01:07
Tamas Nemeth 著者
I uploaded photos of the finished model to a new album: AEG G.IV (Late) | Album by ntom (1:32)
 7 July 2024, 01:08
A masterpiece.
 7 July 2024, 08:03
David Taylor
 7 July 2024, 11:31
Rui S
Incredible work allround👍
 7 July 2024, 13:56
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work. A real head turner.
 7 July 2024, 18:10

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