スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 Gator340

8 画像
Bf 109 ZView album, image #2
プロジェクト: Amodel Bf 109 Z
1:72 Bf 109Z (Amodel 72217)
11 20 January 2024, 03:26
Gator340 著者
Ok kit. Lacks alignment pins anywhere and the instructions are a little hard to follow as the part numbers are not numbered on the sprue. Very light recessed panel lines that will need to be rescribed.
 22 January 2024, 01:47
 22 January 2024, 20:02
Jennifer Franklin
following 👀
 23 January 2024, 04:44
Gator340 著者
Got a coat of primer and the canopy on it. Starting painting soon.
 19 March 2024, 04:16
Gator340 著者
Just added the first coats of paint. Big base coats first with details to come. Really excited to see how well this one turns out.
 22 April 2024, 01:54

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