スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 Lerxst

Andy Ball
42 画像
Commissioned StukaView album, image #36
All the masks worked well in the end, the tricky bit that required most respray and remask is around the yellow fuselage...
プロジェクト: Stalingrad Stuka
1:24 Junkers Ju87B Stuka (Airfix A18002V)1:24 Junkers Ju 87B Stuka (Montex K24010)1:24 Seatbelts Luftwaffe WWII (Eduard 23003)2+
27 5 February 2024, 19:17
Gary Kitchen
Defo following along. 1:24 scale Andy? That's a big change of pace 😄
 6 February 2024, 06:05
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks for looking me out Gary, it's a commission so not my usual scale, correct. Having done the original SuperKit of the Mk.1a I'm hoping this 1975 moulding will not be too difficult…watch this space!
 7 February 2024, 00:03
I'm gonna have to slide in for this. I've always been curious about the Stuka? Done the Spit, Hurricane and 109, and had the Hellcat, but gifted it to my brother. Judging at what I had to work with, you've got a tough ride! But, that's why we do it, right? 😉
 7 February 2024, 01:32
Gary Victory
Watching.....good luck with the build Andy.
 7 February 2024, 07:40
Andy Ball 著者
Hello Bozzer yes I'll suffer for my art! And thanks Gary V - hope to progress soon- more photos coming up.
 11 February 2024, 21:29
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Matti, I hope to entertain!
 12 February 2024, 23:26
Andy Ball 著者
Nice to have a like, Neil!
 21 February 2024, 08:08
This thing is gross, as we say in germany 😉 Taking a seat.
 21 February 2024, 08:18
Guy Rump
That's going to be a big aircraft, I wonder if the sirens will work? 😉 Following. 👍
1  24 February 2024, 07:52
Hi Andy! This looks very impressive build. I was wondering if you could tell me if this is a new tool or not. Looking forward to see the final product!
1  5 March 2024, 11:28
David Taylor
I'm in.
1  5 March 2024, 16:22
Michael Kohl
@DarthPanzer: you can figure it out yourself: klick on the kit in the project, then scroll down to the timeline and you will see, that it was a new tool - back in 1975. Everything after that were only reboxes.
I more than once cherished this timeline as it will tell how old the stuff in the new box really is.
1  5 March 2024, 17:02
Neil Patrick
Well done Andy! I know I'm late to the show, but looks like you're well on the way. Is this an old one or the new Classic boxing?
 22 October 2024, 00:18
Wow a big one!
 22 October 2024, 00:45
Andy Ball 著者
Thank-you, as always Villiers!
 4 November 2024, 23:35
Andy Ball 著者
Well, I have kick-started this carcass….
Work resumes…
It's a 1976 kit FFS.
So much prep required, and I'm determined to make a good result for an "auld Scottish Pal" who asked me to make a "Stalingrad Stuka" and I couldn't say "no"!!
 19 December 2024, 19:47
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Neil and Skyhiker….the glacial pace of this build continues….slowly and "with plenty of lumps"….
 19 December 2024, 19:50
Guy Rump
Glad to see you're back on the bike Andy. 🙂
 19 December 2024, 21:39
Andy Ball 著者
@Guy, thank-you, model making has many important benefits in terms of mental health! And I've been really lazy too…I'll swing by and have a look at your stuff!!
 19 December 2024, 22:56
Andy Ball 著者
Guillaume, merci!!
 19 December 2024, 23:05
It's looking good so far.
I remember building this when I was a kid back in the 70's. It was a mind-blowing kit back then.
 24 December 2024, 10:24
Robert Podkoński
Somehow I have missed this thread - taking a seat!
 24 December 2024, 10:47
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Gorby and Robert!, seasons greetings- I'm going to push on with this over the holidays- welcome aboard!!
 25 December 2024, 20:28
Jennifer Franklin
Late to the party but following!
 25 December 2024, 20:40
Andy Ball 著者
You are most welcome Jennifer!
Thank-you J35J for the acknowledgment too.
 25 December 2024, 22:49
Andy Ball 著者
In the twilight of '24 I have pushed ahead before the winter (what the Germans should have done in 1941!)…around 20 hours of work provides a good progress report on here…
 31 December 2024, 15:01
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Lorraine Lin & Mid Franconian
 31 December 2024, 15:02
David Taylor
Looks good Andy.
1  1 January, 12:54
Andy Ball 著者
Thank-you David and Alex
 1 January, 20:06
Andy Ball 著者
Appreciate the visit Skyhiker!
 4 January, 16:08
Rui S
looking great 👍
 4 January, 16:39
Andy Ball 著者
Thank-you Rui, the output of Christmas holidays!
 4 January, 16:40
Denis Dogadov
Bombs should not be black!
And they were usually color-coded to indicate the type of bomb. For a 24-scale model, I think these details matter.

1  7 January, 15:53
Denis Dogadov
Well, I can offer more interesting ideas for " Just artistic license."
 7 January, 16:16
Andy Ball 著者
Denis!! I love this !!, thank-you!!
I did the bombs in Tamiya's Panzer Grey…. (RLM66?)…and I'll have to stick with that decision now as they're stuck on….I'm guessing macabre humour was on both sides of the war…..many many thanks for your critique!
 7 January, 18:56
Guy Rump
Seat belts look very good Andy. 👍
 7 January, 19:45
Andy, this one has to be huge. The details are superb and the paint job is very good. Now I understand why I haven't seen you around 72nd scale in a long time.

Your friend will be very proud when you finish it and give it to him. Great job so far! 👍
 8 January, 19:16
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Guy! I think there are better mediums than PE for the subject of fabric seat belts in 1/24th….they are tricky to shape into something that looks line "fabric"….but glad I've used them !
 8 January, 22:14
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Cuajete!, any imperfections in painting will be disguised with weathering!, this subject's going to be battle-weary! And, yes, 24th is a less familiar scale, but when an old mate asks you for a commission- it's rude not to…..
1  8 January, 22:16
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks David!
 11 January, 17:50
Andy Ball 著者
Cheers, Juergen & Jiří
 12 January, 22:11
David Taylor
their big kits were always decent Andy.Cracking job.
 13 January, 14:50

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