スレッドの開始者 sebbae

91 19 February 2024, 12:08

Good old Revell. I see their parts fit is as excellent as usual 😆 well done for facing up to the challenge and soundly beating it. Final result looks amazing 💪
22 February 2024, 17:21

Hello David, thank you very much for the kind words. Yes, it was indeed a challenge. But more not to bin that kit. 🙈 When it finally looked like a Tonka, I actually had a lot of fun with it. I'll post some pictures here, when it's finished! So stay tuned. 😉 Cheers!
22 February 2024, 17:34

Very nice progress so far! I have ASSTA 3.1 in my stash and this will be a good reference for my own build! One thing beyond my expectation is that the ECR do not employ leading edge slats, I had thought the share the same aerodynamics design.
28 February 2024, 13:07

@ Gary: Thank you very much! There's still a lot of small things to do on the Tornado. But I plan to be finished by Saturday, as I want to bring it to a model show this Sunday. 🤞
28 February 2024, 13:24

@Zhou Kun: Thank you too! To be honest, it's not the easiest kit I build and I learnt a lot for the next Revell Tornado I'll definetely build. The ECR doesn't have the Krueger Flaps. They are on the underside of the wing roots. You can see one of them here: tornadosig.com/krueger-flaps.html, The ECR has sensors or something like that on the same place. You can see the difference betwenn ECR and IDS Tornaodo very clearly in that spot. The black surfaces here are a lot bigger on the ECR. The IDS ones are way smaller.
28 February 2024, 13:29

Oh I see, there are separate Kruger flaps on the fixed wing root on IDS models. So the leading edge slats on the rotary part of wing are same with IDS and ADV variants.
28 February 2024, 14:03

If you look at the Revell catalog, it clearly states what a Level 5 kit is: mad skills needed to deal with the fit issues and gaps + bucket of putty required.
that aside, S B - I have to give you mad props for sticking with this kit, and this Tonia is really starting to shape up very nicely! thank you for sharing with us the build process - and the numerous pitfalls with this kit. It makes it all the more impressive!
29 February 2024, 15:50

Hey CaptGPF, you forgot the tons of sanding paper you should purchase in advance of an Level 5-kit. 🤣
I guess, I can wrap that Tornado up tonight. Pictures will follow! Stay tuned...
1 March 2024, 08:59

Saw your Tornado at EME this weekend, very nice result on this difficult kit.👍
25 March 2024, 20:45

Hey Daniel, thank you very much. The kit is not an easy one, that's true. And I'm not 100% satisfied with the result due to the bad performance of the decals. But it is what it is. I saw your modelling club booth next to ours. I'll come over next year, so we can have a chat. 👍
Best ragards to Oberösterreich. I hope you had a safe drive home. It's quite a long way to drive.
26 March 2024, 06:06

A real modeller will never be 100% satisfied with his work... 🙂 ...but your Tornado looks really splendid.
Our way home was relaxed, not much traffic and all went safe.
...so see you next year👍
26 March 2024, 07:15

Great built! Congrats!!!
I also like the Chinook in the background 🙂
Awaiting impatiently for more photos!!!
19 April 2024, 19:03

Thank you VERY much, gentlemen! I didn't expect so much positive response on that build! ☺️☺️👍👍👍
21 April 2024, 13:59

Thanks a lot! I REALLY (!!!) apreciate your kind comments. Best regards from Germany
28 April 2024, 18:08

I am a bit late, but I have to give You a credit for very realistic looking exhaust stains on vertical fin. Would You mind sharing a "trick" how did You achieved those thin "rib" lines?
19 February, 10:00

Sveiki Edgaras, thank you for your nice comment. 👍 Good for you, I have no „trick" for the stains, although I had a little helper. I have a Cricut cutter, which made the stripes for me.. But I'm sure you can achieve that effect without that Cricut.
Here's how I achieved that effect: I sprayed a very thin layer of Tamiya Smoke onto the fin. Let it dry completely, then applied (I guess) 1mm thin stripes of tape onto the surfaces were I wanted that stripes and gave it another 2-3 coats of Smoke. When you remove that stripes of tape, it should look like that. The Cricut cutter just made the work for me, but I guess you can cut those stripes with a ruler and a knife, too. If you have more questions, just let me know! Best regards from Germany, Sebastian
1 19 February, 12:10

Hallo Sebastian, thanks for Your reply. I will see if I can get something similar once I get there. I can see Revell kit is a bit of the hustle to build. Sad thing that I guess it's the only kit at out disposal for now and nearest future. That is pity, cause in my opinion it's one of the most iconic cold war jet, very underrated and to often forgotten.
20 February, 20:01

Thank you for comments, Edgaras and Guy.
@Edgaras: I can confirm that the Revell Tornado isn't that easy to build, but when you finish it, it is a very beautiful model in your collection. There is a alternative way to build it, what makes it a little bit easier and maybe better. Just search for it on the internet. Have fun with the build. Cheers!
1 21 February, 13:22

Lets see how it goes, but I am really looking forward to get my hands on it. What do You mean by saying there is "alternate way to build it"? I was trying to search for it, but could find anything substantial apart from Panavia Tornado IPMS two videos, where they are sharing some tips. Unfortunately there is only two videos available, although it looks like they had entire series of full build.
21 February, 22:47

I know those videos, too! But I mean something else. It's an alternative way to build the intakes, when I remember correctly.
1 22 February, 08:05

Beautiful result, glad you didn't give up despite the fit issues!
22 February, 17:37

Thank you very much for your nice comments, Rui, Johannes and David! It's highly appreciated! 👍👍👍
24 February, 10:31