スレッドの開始者 Cracka

22 11 April 2024, 00:36

How did you find the engine/gearbox fit? Did you get it to come out straight? Everytime I build one of these ancient Tamiya DFVs, damn things always come out askew.
11 April 2024, 01:49

Askew it is! Both exhaust extensions had to be shortened and the headers hugged the block too closely. Pic 53 will confirm I had the same issue as you. I have another P34 in the stash but I NEED to build a couple of bikes after I have completed a Bugatti Town Car.
11 April 2024, 02:32

Yeah, those old things are awful. I tried twice to do the Peterson version of this car and both times I wound up tossing that crap back in the box. At least with a bike kit theres no worry about thousand year old moulds.
11 April 2024, 04:43

A great job Peter. I like these older Tamiya kits as a back-to-basics in between build. I know they're not 100% accurate and lack a certain refinement.
But they do give me the opportunity to build kits from my youth, that I always wanted to build, but with a lot more skill on my side.
11 April 2024, 17:27

wow, fantastic paintjob and amazing job on the engine, congratulations Peter. glad my suggestion was useful
11 April 2024, 21:51

Martin, might have been from your youth but I was married with children by then! 🤣🤣🤣
11 April 2024, 23:02

Spanjaard, thank you for the accolades and your advice and suggestions are always welcomed!
11 April 2024, 23:03

It looks great as a model but definitely not my favourite F1 car, I think Tyrell had a very good relationship with Tamiya at the time.
19 April 2024, 12:24

If the model wasn't on a cutting board, i would have believed it was a 1/1 scale. Magnificent
24 April 2024, 16:30

Yeah ok Rui, you know I don't move fast! Happy with it in the end.
25 April 2024, 02:28