スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 BruceH

Bruce Huxtable
38 画像
Tamiya Gama GoatView album, image #34
After a short break, it's time to tackle camouflage, so the driver first ..
プロジェクト: M561 GAMA GOAT
1:35 M561 GAMA GOAT (Tamiya 35330)
13 3 August 2024, 17:16
Bruce Huxtable 著者
Welcome, Marc. I'm not going to rush this one....
 3 August 2024, 18:33
Bruce Huxtable 著者
Welcome, Sergio. This one will be OOB, but I'll review some walk around galleries, to see if there are any extras I should add. I think the camouflage scheme will be challenging...
 4 August 2024, 21:31
Guy Rump
Interesting build Bruce, following. 👍
 25 August 2024, 18:43
Bruce Huxtable 著者
Welcome, Guy. Slow progress, but holidays are over, so progress Wil re-commence!
 25 August 2024, 18:48
Robert Podkoński
I will follow this build for sure. I have been tempted so many times to purchase this kit... 😉
 26 August 2024, 17:04
Bruce Huxtable 著者
Many thanks for your 'likes', everyone. Lots still to do, plus the camo scheme.....
 26 August 2024, 17:30
Bruce Huxtable 著者
Welcome, Villiers. Still more to do...
 1 September 2024, 12:49

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