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スレッドの開始者 christian-w

Christian W
12 23 August 2024, 05:55
Christian W 著者
One question I'm asking myself: do I want to build the RHD option? That would be pretty cool but it won't fit into my project of the Silver Corvette Collection. Good, that I have this kit twice. So I can build one silver and the other one in another color with RHD and fitting license plate.

Take a look (if you want) into my review - kitreviewsonline.de/..25-von-revell-07714/ - sorry, only available in German.
 23 August 2024, 05:59
Nigel Chapman
Curious that both RHD & LHD are available.
I've only seen one LHD C8 in the UK
 23 August 2024, 08:56
George Williams
Don't forget that other countries are also RHD including Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
 23 August 2024, 10:06
Nigel Chapman
Yeah George, I was thinking that but would GM actually export Corvettes to those countries as well as India, Australia & New Zealand?
 23 August 2024, 14:14
István Szücs
Christian, I read your review, and what did I see? The Revell now CAN make wheels, like the original ones- what a progression!

So, I'm curious for the build!
1  23 August 2024, 16:58
Christian W 著者
Thank you for your feedback and Information! While I wrote the review I was wondering that the Corvette never had RHD. I didn't do more research and believed my source.
I'd like tl see see some numbers how much Corvette were sold in RHD countries. Have to look that up. I think it should be a lot. Why else they gave this option to the costumer now? I think the japanese market could be the most interessting one.
 23 August 2024, 17:58
Christian W 著者
Starten last week. That kit goes together very well.
 16 October 2024, 13:50
Christian W 著者
4 months ago I started? Where did the time went? Nevertheless: yesterday I sat on this to check the status and sorted the parts for the planned color for painting. Not more.
 5 February, 05:32
Christian W 著者
I painted the part the last days. I want to paint the interior with red accents. After painting the affected areas I see how small some of the spots are. How I'm supposed to cover it up is still a little mystery to me.
The body is fillered, wet sanded and ready to get painted 🙂

By the way: did you know, that the German instructions only offer some black on another black on a different shade of black *lol* collored interior? The instructions for the US issue offers you that blue interior. Strange.... I added two picture for you guys (and girls) 😉
 6 March, 06:24
Nigel Chapman
US and European spec kits. Whatever next? 😁
1  6 March, 22:16
Christian W 著者
Who knows :/
On the weekend I finished the chassis. The wheel arches are mounted too. But befor that, I wanted toshow this exquisite engine. There are a lot of details and parts. Sadly, the engine will be hidden in the rear and only the top will be visible. It should be worth it, to build the powerplant seperatly and put it near the model kit for display.
 11 March, 06:28

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