スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 m2000-5

Maciej Bellos
85 画像
F-20A Wolfpack What ifView album, image #1
The kit
プロジェクト: F-20A Tigershark What if
1:72 Aircraft Weapons: V (Hasegawa 35009)1:72 Aircraft Weapons: IX (Hasegawa 35114)1:72 US/NATO Weapon Set (Skunkmodels 72002)2+
22 18 October 2024, 16:50
Nice clea building! Could you tell what is the purpose of that aluminium foil?
 18 October 2024, 20:47
Maciej Bellos 著者
Thank you for all the likes gentlemen!

S B, the aluminum foil was used to protect the underlying plastic from the sprue goo I used so as the sniper pylon fits better to the fuselage. All Sniper pylons I have are either for the Eagle or the Viper so one had to be modified to fit.

I will sort the photos and add some comments too.
 19 October 2024, 08:37
Thanks for the tip! 🙂
 19 October 2024, 21:55
Sergej I
Nice progress, following 👍
 20 October 2024, 16:19
Maciej Bellos 著者
Happy New Year!

Thank you Sergej!

I found some time to start the fun phase. Preshading yesterday night, first pass on the lower surfaces today. I think it is ok. What do you think?

 3 January, 19:16
Łukasz Gliński
Missed this, thanks for the link! Will follow for sure 👍
Very cool project, I still haven't got one, trying to locate the red livery edition.
 3 January, 21:07
Maciej Bellos 著者
Welcome Łukasz!

Thank you Juergen and the rest of the guys for the likes!
 3 January, 21:24
Sergej I
Looking good, just in time for the paining 🙂 👍
 4 January, 12:14
Maciej Bellos 著者
Thanks Sergej!

So, got the upper surfaces done today and I like the result. I think I got better in my painting skills. Colours used, Gunze H305 and H306.

Time for printing the decals I am missing, serials that is.
 2 February, 17:40
Łukasz Gliński
That camo looks gtand, not overdone imho 👍
 2 February, 22:33
Interesting, looking forward to the rest! 👍
 2 February, 23:25
Maciej Bellos 著者
Thank you Łukasz, I think it's my best paintjob ever.

Thank you Alexander!
 3 February, 19:46
Maciej Bellos 著者
Thanks for the likes guys!
 3 February, 20:37
Maciej Bellos 著者
I did some panel line washing on the upper surfaces. Lower surfaces tomorrow.
 9 February, 20:27

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