スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 Dominik

Dominik Weitzer
55 10 November 2024, 17:04
Rui S
A Beauty, Excellent work 👍
 10 November 2024, 23:12
Chris Reimann
Very nice and clean build!
 11 November 2024, 06:02
Christian W
This came out so good. I'm jealousy about your fricking awesome clear coats.
The color of the interior looks pretty good instead of black as usual.
 11 November 2024, 06:07
A beauty. Good choice of color!
 11 November 2024, 13:33
Dominik Weitzer 著者
Thanks mates. much appreciated
 16 November 2024, 11:42
Nice job!!!!
 16 November 2024, 16:47
István Szücs
Great work, Dominik, a real beauty!
 16 November 2024, 18:25
Bill Newcomer
Mmmmm. that looks delicious!
 17 November 2024, 03:38
Dominik Weitzer 著者
Thank you Pepe, István and Bill - and for all the likes 😉
 18 November 2024, 08:36
Thomas S.
Looks excellent!
 15 January, 07:06
Robert Podkoński
A beauty!
 15 January, 07:25
Nigel Chapman
That blue is much better than the yellow on the box art. Is that an original Ford colour?
 15 January, 09:46
George Williams
Looks great.
 15 January, 10:25
Maurits van der Aa
Extremely clean buid....wauwwww
 25 January, 19:18
Yngve N
Very beautiful! What colour did you use for the seats?
 31 January, 09:24
Dominik Weitzer 著者
Thank you very much for your kind words. I was busy and missed m own theme 😉
First, i would build a lime-green with tan interior....after the interior was ready, i dived into the history...i decided to change the body color.

@Nigel, the color is from my stash and is really close to the acapulco blue. my example was this GT500:

@Yngve, i used Vallejo model air Nr. 71107 US Interior Yellow. similar to the linked above, it is to tan, should be more white. But i llike it the way it looks with the body color
1  3 February, 13:23

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