スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 sebbae

51 画像
QRF-4C Zombie Phantom „The Last One“View album, image #51
Most of the decals are applied now.
プロジェクト: QRF-4C Zombie Phantom
1:48 F-4B/N/C/D & RF-4B/C Phantom II exhaust nozzles (Aires 4864)1:48 RF-4E Phantom II `J.A.S.D.F.´ (Hasegawa 07230)1:48 RF-4B/E (Eduard EX078)3+
31 4 February, 14:31
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 9 February, 15:41
S B 著者
Thanks for following, Guy. 🙏 Cheers!
 9 February, 16:08
Desert Marlin
Looks great! Great base for the final scheme!
 19 February, 03:49
Desert Marlin
I used to live just to the left of that picture toward the base of that mountain! I remember when this one came out of the yard! It was a big day. Sad, but good to see it leaving the yard!
 19 February, 05:01
Desert Marlin
This really is a challenge!
 19 February, 05:04
S B 著者
Hello Desert Marlin, thank you for your comments and your constant support here. I hope, I chose the right colors and techniques for this scheme. I haven't done anything like this before, so this is a absolutely first for me. I have some good ideas how to do this, but if it'll work out - I don't know! 😂

Very interesting that you lived just around the corner. The world is a very small place, As far as I know, this picture here was taking in Tucson. Right? But I also have some good references from Mojave, where it was converted into a QRF. Here you'll find the other pictures: flickr.com/photos/ph..s/72157640744823115/

And yes, this is a challange: 😂 Not only painting-wise, but also kit-wise. The RF-4s from Hasegawa seem to have more fit issues than the regular F-4s.

I'll keep you updated on the porgress!
1  19 February, 07:17
I like your preshading
 19 February, 15:55
Patrick Hagelstein
Very interesting build to follow.
 19 February, 16:33
S B 著者
Thank you very much for your comments, Skyhiker and Patrick.

@Skyhiker: Yes, a few builds ago I started to use Uschi van der Rosten's airbrush stencils for preshading more regularly. I had them in my drawer for years, but I never used them. But they save a lot of time and the result is great. And I want to step away from only white preshading. I noticed that I get a better result from the preshading, when I use different colours.
1  19 February, 17:07
Desert Marlin
Yes, the mountain in the background is the Rincon Mountain on the edge of Tucson, Arizona. The Saguaro National Park (East Campus) is at the base of the mountain. I lived about 2.5 miles from the Park. There is an 8 mile loop in the park that I would ride my bike in. Wonderful place!
1  19 February, 21:05
Mid Franconian
Great job so far!!
 22 February, 12:01
S B 著者
Thanks a lot for your support, Mid Franconian. It's highly appreciated! 👍
 22 February, 17:17
Very nice progress but please don't forget the cockpit modifications and the fin top modifications: [img1] and [img2]
 22 February, 18:06
Sergej I
Great job so far 👍
 22 February, 18:34
S B 著者
Thank you very much, tyu and Sergej.

@tyu: I know they had no seats when they were flown remote. There actually was a sidewinder warhead in the rear cockpit for self destruction purposes! 🤪
The only pictures I found for 68-599 as a drone, were from Mojave, were she was converted to a drone and still had two seats for the transfer to Tyndall. This is the state I'm building her!

Here are the pictures: flickr.com/photos/ph..s/72157640744823115/
1  22 February, 19:01
Hi Sb,
I was referring to the extra QF items (the big flip switch board) in the front cockpit, not the empty seat(s). And your pictures from Flickr show the required tail fin modifications.
 22 February, 19:29
And I forgot to mention the required wingtip modifications as also visible in you Flickr images.
 22 February, 19:39
S B 著者
Thanks for the advice, tyu. I plan is to scratchbuild these parts later. When I glue them on already, I know I will break them probably several times until I finish the model. 😂
 22 February, 19:47
S B 著者
@tyu: And thank you by the way for the picture of the cockpit. It's the first time that I've seen this flip switch board. I wasn't planning on that until now!
 22 February, 19:57
You are welcome S B, and I understand leaving off certain items for a more easy build. The conical shaped rear fin top fairing or wing tip mods would not be the one included on that list if it would be mine: no chance to break that IMHO. You have the non-QF shaped rear fairing depicted at the moment. The QF one is circular as visible in your Flickr album with a flat round rear-end, yours (as currently depicted) has flattened sides and a tapered rear-end. And there is that circular horizontal antenna to the front of the fin cap that is missing on your build as well at the moment. The devil is in the details. For a good representation please have a look at the (sadly now defunct) BAM Models items for a QF-4E: BAM48096E. Please note that some items in this set are not required for your build. Front IP, intake- and wing tip mods and fin tip would be correct though.
 22 February, 20:42
S B 著者
Thanks again for your input, tyu. Sad to hear that BAM Models has closed. I used his TISEO for my latest build.
Regarding the fin tip: I was aware of that set from BAM Models, but decided not to spent as much money for a fin tip as I spent on the whole model. The fin tip from the kit looks totally fine for my purposes. I know there a scale modelers out there, where that what be a no go, but luckily for myself and my wallet I'm not that micro detailing driven as others.
I wish you a nice sunny sunday. Cheers!
 23 February, 07:30

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