スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 SlowButDeadly

Jose Freire
14 5 February, 17:54
Mark Sherwood
Very nice cat Jose. 👍
 5 February, 18:08
Jose Freire 著者
Thanks, Mark. It´s a great kit by Eduard. I had problems with the landing gear alignments but the rest just went fine.
 5 February, 18:29
Mark Sherwood
I seem to just have problems with Eduardarrrgghh!!!! 🤣🤟🥸🤘🤣
 6 February, 06:21
Jose Freire 著者
Eduard kits just seem to me to be the best kits available in the market right know, with the pe sets and masks and level of detail, has nothing to envy the japanese or chinese brands on the market. But that´s my humble opinion.
 7 February, 09:09
Mark Sherwood
Jose, don't get me wrong. They are highly detailed and build into nice representations. It's the build, the Fw190 A8 I built was a pig, the Tempest, the Me 109F all nice looking, but the instructions trying to decipher them I would have to be an alumni of Bletchley and the decals it is not a pleasurable experience. I have recently downgraded to a Weekend version. So far so good. Happy Modelling Mate. 🤟🥸🤘
1  7 February, 12:54

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