スレッドの開始者 replicantTom新しいフォトアルバムを追加しました。7 画像LARC V Bundesmarine1:35プロジェクト: LARC 53+ 17 14 February, 14:45Rui SGreat 👍 More photos 🤔 14 February, 20:28Robert PodkońskiMore photos would be great! 14 February, 20:32PepeMoooooore!!!!! 14 February, 20:50Martin WeinpoldNice! 14 February, 20:59Tom 著者Thank you all! 15 February, 08:53Villiers de VosAn interesting subject. I agree more photos. Very nice work. 15 February, 09:55Tom 著者Thank you all! This is from the 1960s, later they were donated to Portugal. For Fuzileiros, some left and still swimming... 15 February, 10:01gorbyWOW, stunning work! 15 February, 10:12NeulingWow 2 👍👍 15 February, 10:26PepeWoooooooow, niceeee!!!! 15 February, 12:14Robert Podkoński👍👍 15 February, 13:44Tom 著者Thanks, mates! 15 February, 14:50Zbynek HonzikFantastic job! 👏👏👏 15 February, 19:25ニュースフィード »