スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 m2000-5

Maciej Bellos
11 画像
Athens Flying Week 2016View album, image #1
Hellenic Air Force F-16C "Zeus" touching down.
8 18 September 2016, 21:05
Maciej Bellos 著者
Just a few photos with my trustworthy (and very old) Olympus C750 Ultrazoom with a 10x optical zoom but just 4 MP resolution.
 18 September 2016, 21:28
Gabriel Trechas
Really good photos. I wish i could be there.Bloody job...
 18 February 2017, 16:10
Maciej Bellos 著者
Plan it for this coming september.
 18 February 2017, 19:49
Is a Zeus HAF F-16 in your future build? Hint! hint!
 14 March 2024, 22:19
Maciej Bellos 著者
No CaptGPF, unfortunately I will no be building one. I will however build a single seat Block 50M with an air to ground loadout and a dual seat Block 52+ with an air to air loadout. I need to finish a couple shelf queens before that. Cheers!
 15 March 2024, 07:17
Maciej Bellos 著者
Glad you like it guys!
 15 March 2024, 14:02

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