スレッドの開始者 Eelco

This is a bit weird, what is next? Banning the Luft'46?
18 June 2018, 19:54

i'm just waiting with my cursor on "buy" button of my local store in case they really ban and stop producing it instead of just reboxing it.. otherwise this particular kit seems like an overpriced piece to me..
19 June 2018, 13:16

People with allegedly no knowledge or connection to plastic modelling feel competent to publish their wrong and uncalled-for opinion. Really, this article is plain wrong and destructive to our hobby, imho.
The author writes of the Haunebu firing on fantasy aircraft, clearly showing his waste lack of anything at all. That´s like me writing about heart surgery or cosmic black (or white) holes. Really, articles as this one make me upset.
19 June 2018, 18:37

well i bought one then, despite the even-base-price-is-kinda-too-much-for-what-it-is. looks like a fun project anyway. shame that politics is mixed into modelling nowadays as well. the same goes for swastika decals banned as well. it's a model for christ sake, not a propaganda tool......
20 June 2018, 07:45

Yep the worlds gone mad! SJW strike again. If you don't like it don't buy it! Political correctness Bulls#it strikes again! Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this kit a reboxing of the Wave models release? Not a new tool then and nobody had a problem with that kit? Well if it is it's in a box more than twice the size, I thought it was the Squadron Models kit? Anyway i got both and i don't care what anyone thinks about that! Oh and i just got a new sheet of Luftwaffe Swastikas Xtradecal X72036 But i can't show you a photo of that! unless i censor it!
20 June 2018, 15:25

Btw this whole thing isn't about the kit itself, it's about the information text on the kit, which suggest that the Haunebu was real - nothing more and yes this is still "stupid" to even argue about it in the media.😉
20 June 2018, 15:33

If you model Luft '46 stuff it IS REAL! Haven't you seen the film Iron Sky! 🙂
Youtube Video

20 June 2018, 15:40

Btw the kit will be back in stores after Revell has edited the information text - it isnt banned or anything.
20 June 2018, 16:03

Iron Sky is funny and a pleasure to watch. Haven´t there been rumours about a second movie?
20 June 2018, 17:46

Ca devient vraiment n'importe quoi... Big nonsense.. What next : A4 V2, Me 262 and He 163, complete "what if" topic ?
20 June 2018, 18:48

Guys again - this has nothing to do with the "What If" topic! The whole thing is about the information text, which impicated that this thing was real and not a "What-If".
So a big discussion about nothing and the kit will be back in the shops, after Revell has changed this text.
20 June 2018, 18:51

This isn't only about Revell. I took a look at a couple of German onlineshops and they all took everything down that looks remotely like an UFO. Even the ones from Squadron & Pegasus are gone now.
20 June 2018, 21:53

Although they are still available outside Germany, that will not last long as Revell also decided to stop the manufacturing of this kit...
28 June 2018, 11:21

Can anyone verify which kit this is a re box of? I thought it was the larger Squadron kit of the Haunebu II. If so you can still get the Squadron boxing of it so don't pay a ransom for a Revell boxing! I also heard it was the ex Hand & Head boxing form Japan? THEY ARE DIFFERENT KITS! (that is the smaller 200mm "Haunebu I" model, the Squadron model is much larger!) If that's the case Revell labeled the model wrong as a "Haunebu II" but it says it's only 20cm on the big box! So i think it's the smaller Hand & Head kit. I brought both some time ago.
29 June 2018, 00:20

The Revell kit is the Wave / Hand&Head kit and not Squadron.
If you look at the SCM kit history you can already see it😉
Revell didn't decided to stop this kit.
They just gonna change the text and re-release it after that again!
29 June 2018, 04:21

Thanks Soren that means Revell put it into a box twice the size of the Hand & Head release! Which sold for a lot less and called it the "Haunebu II" not "Haunebu" which is a lot smaller! (The Squadron Haunebu II is over 45cm wide!) Both items are sci-fi "what if" but a bit of fun to add to the Luftwaffe '46 collection! 🙂
29 June 2018, 04:55

Sören: from the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung: A spokesperson from Revell said on Monday that the company will stop manufacturing and distributing the product, adding that criticism of it is "absolutely justified."
29 June 2018, 13:57

Seems like I was right:
999 PLN equals approx. 235€ 😄
4 August 2018, 21:21

Oh damn! I wanted to buy one. But Revell (used to) have all sorts of Luft '46 aircraft in their catalog. I wonder if we'll see a re-release of the Go 229 or any other of their kits..
7 August 2018, 09:27

Revell JUST REBOX IT AS SCI-FI, PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! Oh and can we please have a Nazi Moon base next! please! 🙂 And some Dinosaurs with laser cannons too! Then you can get back to making REAL STUFF like a new C-130 Hercules in 1/72 or maybe get that An-225 released!!!!
7 August 2018, 22:59