スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 172flogger

Lukas .
Short-run kit. Many parts are copied from the old (real KP) L-39 Albatros kit.
Aero L-159B Alca
Kovozávody Prostějov (KP) 1:72
KPM0113 (72113) 2018 新金型
25 October 2018, 19:23
Lukas . 著者
Source: skopan.cz/nekorektni-recenze&pg=35
 25 October 2018, 19:24
Łukasz Gliński
Many many thanks for making this review. I added the link to the kits here.
Just wondering how quickly will KP/AZ team manage to get it removed from the internets...
 26 October 2018, 08:29
Lukas . 著者
He wrote more "uncensured reviews". Like the "new" Revell He 177 Greif: skopan.cz/nekorektni-recenze
 26 October 2018, 21:55
Łukasz Gliński
Good to have those reviews, though the AZ/KP ones are the most risky I'd say😉
 27 October 2018, 08:11
Lukas . 著者
Another fit-test: ipmsnymburk.com/foru..ma.php?ID_tema=40338
 6 November 2018, 22:26

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