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Model Aircraft Monthly Volume 15 Issue 11

Model Aircraft Monthly


Model Aircraft Monthly
Volume 15 Issue 11 | November 2016


Editorial | Page 4
Age is Just a Number...

by Andy

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 6
Blue Bandit - Nellis Viper

by Sunhwie Hwang
Sunhwie Hwang builds the 1:48 Tamiya F-16 from the USAF's 64th Aggressor Squadron
Lockheed Martin
F-16C [Block 25/32] Fighting Falcon Air National Guard ANG
Tamiya 1:48
61101 2008 新パーツ

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 10
Memorial Fast-Cat

by Jezz Coleman
Jezz Coleman builds the 1:48 Airfix Jaguar GR.1 in the colours of No.41 Squadron
Airfix 1:48
07104 1994 新金型
RAF History 41 Sqn Pt 1
Xtradecal 1:48
X48-098 マルチトピック (4)

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 14
Shooting Stars Building Stars

by Brian Wakeman
Nrian Wakeman joins thr MAM team with a 1:48 double build of early USAF F-80 fast jets - and sunglasses are recommended!
RF-80A Shooting Star
HobbyBoss 1:48
81724 2014 新パーツ
F-80 Shooting Star
Monogram 1:48
5404 1980 新デカール

Reference | Page 20
Real to Replica

Mig-21 in Detail

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 24
Czech it Out!

by Ian Coooer
Ian Cooper builds the 1:48 Limited Edition Eduard MiG-21MF
MiG-21MF Limited Edition
Eduard 1:48
1199 2016 新デカール

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 28
Grumman's Awesome Avenger

by James DiCesare
James DiCesare details the 1:48 Academy TBM-3
TBM-3 "USS Bunker Hill"
Academy 1:48
12285 2012 新デカール

Reference | Page 32
Photo-Recce Buffs in Britian

by Neil Atterbury
Neil Atterbury of Four Elements Photography reports from RAF Fairford on the deployment of USAF B-52 bombers

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 38
War Party

by Alan Kelley
Alan Kelley builds the latest 1:48 Kinetic F/A-18C in the markings of VFA-87 ' Golden Warriors'
F/A-18C Hornet US Navy, Swiss Air Force, Finnish Air Force & Top Gun
Kinetic 1:48
K48031 2016 新金型

Reference | Page 44
Hilter's 'Aunty Ju'

by Anthony Tucker-Jones
Anthony Tucker-Jones takea a close look at the contribution of the Ju 52 transport aircraft to the Naxi war effort

Build Report | Page 50
Last of the Line

by Chad Summers
Chad Summwra builds the 1:48 Planet Modela Curtiss XP-40Q-2
XP-40Q-2 Warhawk "Last version"
Planet Models 1:48

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 54
Hartmamn's Final Combat

by Sun Ick Roh
Sun Ick Roh adds his distinctive style to the 1:32 Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 in the markings of Major Erich A Hartmann of JG52 on his last sortie on the 8th of May 1945
Messerschmitt Bf109K-4 `Hartmann´
Hasegawa 1:32
08173 2007 新デカール

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 58
Spook from Saratoga

by Nick Williamson
Nick Willoamson builds the 1:48 Academy F-4B in the colours of VF-103
F-4B "VF-111 Sundowners"
Academy 1:48
12232 2012 新金型

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 60
Delta Bluea

by Mario Serelle
Mario Serelle details the 1:72 Tamiya Mirage 2000C as the 'Jaguars Last Stand' in the Brazilian Air Force
Dassault Mirage 2000C
Tamiya 1:72
60716 1994 新箱

Tips & Tricks, 1:72  | Page 66
MIG Masterclass Reich Defender

by Mario Serelle
Mario Serelle guides you through paintimg and weathering the Eduards Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8

Editorial | Page 74
And Finally...

Lighting goes Dutch