FineScale Modeler Volume 34 Issue 3

- 雑誌:
- FineScale Modeler
- 品番:
- Volume 34 Issue 3 | March 2016
- 言語:
- English
- 72527401260203
Tips & Tricks | Page 18Painting dark leather
by Joe HudsonDifferent base coats for contrasting belts
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 20Fading invasion stripes
by Aaron SkinnerMy Little Pig looks every bit a silk purse
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 22Zeroing in on a Jagdpanzer
by Karl LoganDetail Dragon's 0-series JgdPz IV
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 28How to build a hardened aircraft shelter
by Jean Paul Poisseroux Making a Mirage feel at home
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 36Correcting a Carro Armato
by Bill MorinImprove Tamiya's Italian medium tank

M11/39, M13/40 Semovente M40-75/18, M40, M13, M14/41, M15/42, M42 Friulmodel 1:35
ATL-18 マルチトピック (6)Build Report, 1:1500 | Page 42Painting a sci-fi ship for realism
by Fausto MutoSerious modeling for an anime subject

Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia Third Ship (Variant) Attack Enhanced Type
Hasegawa 1:1500
64709 2014 新パーツ Build Report, 1:48 | Page 46Detail a Cessna Skymaster
by Frank Cuden Advancing a forward air control aircraft

O-1A / L-19 & O-1E / L-1E Bird Dog Cockpit (Model USA kit)
True Details 1:48
48514 Build Report, 1:35 | Page 52Deep dive
by Dan Jayne Scratchbuilding the H.L. Hunley
Review, 1:8 | Page 58Workbench Reviews
by Jeff LaMottPolar Lights POL903/06, Wicked Witch of the West
| Page 66Amassing your stash
by Mark Hembree To build or not to build ... is not really the question