Replic 171Issue雑誌:Replic品番:171 | November 2005言語:French目次Build Report, 1:48 | Page 12Spitfire Mk XII by Jean BarbySpitfire Mk VIII (Royal Air Force Fighter) Hasegawa 1:4809081 (JT81) 2001 新パーツ Spitfire - Aces of the EmpireVictory Productions 1:48VPD48006 2003 新金型 Build Report, 1:72 | Page 16Soko G-4 "Super Galeb" by Alexandre KostadinovicG-4 Super GalebYuMo 1:72A-001 1997 新金型 Reference | Page 19Photoscope Soko G-4 Super Galeb Build Report, 1:32 | Page 24MS 406 C1 by Jimmy LhosteMorane-Saulnier MS 406C.1Azur 1:32AB3201 2005 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 30F-4F Phantom II by Stéphane HodinF-4E Phantom II `30th Anniversary´Hasegawa 1:4807208 (PT8) 1995 新パーツ Luftwaffe F-4F Phantom II - Part 1 Norm 90J Air Defence Camouflage AirDOC 1:48M48-01 2001 新金型 Reference | Page 36Photoscope F-4 Phantom II Tips & Tricks | Page 38Moteur Allison en résine by Marc Guerrero