Pro Model 2003/5Issue雑誌:Pro Model品番:2003/5 | September 2003言語:Hungarian目次Build Report, 1:32 | Page 4Athos by Kovács OlivérAthosAndrea Miniatures 1:32SG-F74 Build Report, 1:35 | Page 739M Ford by Somogy LászlóFord 917 Metal CabinBotond Models 1:35Rev BO 05 19xx 新金型 Review, 1:35 | Page 14Faun SLT-56 Tank Transporter by Varga RóbertFaunSLT-56 Tank transporter 'Franziska' Trumpeter 1:3500203 2003 新金型 Review, 1:48 | Page 15Arado Ar 234 C-3 by Gulyás MátéArado Ar 234 C-3 Jet BomberRevell 1:4804501 2002 新パーツ Review, 1:24 | Page 16Red Bull Magnum with trailer by Sz?ke BertalanRenault MagnumRed Bull Yamaha Racing TeamItaleri 1:243806 2001 新デカール Review, 1:35 | Page 17British Challenger by Kraft PéterBritishChallenger IITrumpeter 1:3500308 2003 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 18Sea Fury F.B.11 by Kovács JánosBay of PigsBay Of Pigs Sea FuryHobbycraft 1:48HC1532 1994 新デカール Build Report, 1:24 | Page 24Ferrari 550 by Marosi Gerg?Millennio GT1Ferrari 550 Maranello GTRallye Classics 1:242411 2000 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 32Me 163 Komet by Kormos Péterin RAF colorsMe 163 B-1a KometRevell 1:4804546 1999 新デカール Build Report, 1:32 | Page 44Ludi Magni by Méri TiborRoman Gladiator MirmillonePegaso Models 54mm54-103 Build Report, 1:35 | Page 50Sd.Kfz. 138/1 Grille Ausf. K by Jean-Baptiste VerlhacGrille-MAlan 1:35015 2002 新金型 Build Report, 1:72 | Page 58Hellcat Drone by Luciano RodriguezF6F-3 HellcatItaleri 1:721213 2001 新金型