Wingmasters 38Issue雑誌:Wingmasters品番:38 | January-February 2004言語:French目次News | Page 6Les Nouveautés - Livres Build Report, 1:32 | Page 8Fokker E, III by Bruno PautignyFokker E.III (Short Production Run) Battle Axe 1:323202 2002 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 12Lockheed T-33 by Nicolas GohinT-33A Shooting StarAcademy 1:482185 2000 新デカール F-80/T-33 late style wheel setTrue Details 1:4848088 F-94/T-33 Wing Flap & Dive Brake set for Hobbycraft kits Reheat Models 1:48RH059 1992 新金型 T-33 Cockpit Set For Academy-Kit Black Box 1:4848064 200x 新金型 U.S. Jets in Yugoslav Air ForceLift Here Decals 1:48FLD-48-01 200x 新金型 マルチトピック (3) Reference | Page 18F/A-18C Hornet, le Frelon de l'US Navy by Vincent Gréciet Build Report, 1:32 | Page 21F/A-18C Hornet (montage et photoscope) by François LéonardF/A-18C HornetAcademy 1:322191 2003 新金型 Build Report, 1:72 | Page 26Arado 234C3 "Huckepack" by J.-Ph. FauvarqueAr 234C-3w/V-1 HuckepackShanghai Dragon 1:725011 2000 新箱 Build Report, 1:32 | Page 38Shenyang F-6 by François LubinMiG-19S Farmer CTrumpeter 1:3202207 2001 新金型 MiG-19S Exterior Trumpeter Eduard 1:3232084 2003 新金型 MiG-19S Interior Trumpeter Eduard 1:3232078 2003 新金型 MiG-19 Engine set Trumpeter Eduard 1:3232085 2003 新金型 MiG Fighters of the World Part III Eagle Strike Productions 1:3232034 2001 新金型 Editorial | Page 42Portrait d'Auteur : J-M Villalba Dominguez Build Report, 1:32 | Page 44Vought F4U-1a Corsair (1. partie) by Anis El BiedVought F4U-1D CorsairTrumpeter 1:3202221 2002 新金型 Build Report, 1:72 | Page 47Boeing MH-47E Chinook by Patrick BranlyBoeingMH-47E SOA ChinookItaleri 1:721218 2001 新パーツ Build Report, 1:48 | Page 50Bf 110G-2 by Nordine KhadirMesserschmitt Bf 110 G-2/R3Revell 1:4804530 (80-4530) 2003 新パーツ Messerschmitt Bf 110G-4 Detail Set For Revell/Monogram Kit Aires 1:484091 | Page 56L'intervention américaine au Vietnam (1. partie) by Yves Buffetaut Review | Page 65Les Nouveautés - Accessoires, Decals, Figurines Review | Page 74Maqettes RééditéesDassault Mirage IIIR/RD/RS/5FPJ Production 1:72721019 2003 新パーツ De Havilland Mosquito B Mk.IV/PR Mk.IVTamiya 1:4861066R 2004 新パーツ Gloster Gladiator Mk.II Roden 1:48401 2003 新パーツ Gotha G.Va/Vb Roden 1:72020 2003 新パーツ Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-2/R3Revell 1:4804530 (80-4530) 2003 新パーツ Messerschmitt Me262 A-1a Clear Edition Tamiya 1:4861091 2003 新パーツ Sopwith 1.B1 French Bomber Roden 1:48411 2003 新パーツ F-8E(FN) Crusader `French Navy´Hasegawa 1:4809514 2004 新パーツ Review | Page 76Les Nouveautés - MaquettesRed Arrows HawkAirfix 1:4805111 2003 新金型 F.M.A. IA 58A Pucara "Falklands War"Special Hobby 1:72SH72047 2003 新金型 Fokker D.VII (Fokker-built, early) Roden 1:48415 2003 新金型 General Dynamics F-16 XLRevell 1:3204786 2003 新箱 profinishMesserschmitt Me 262 A-1aRevell 1:4804597 2003 新パーツ Me 410 Heavy Fighter ProfiPACK Eduard 1:727029 2003 新パーツ Mitsubishi F-2A [J.A.S.D.F. Support Fighter] Hasegawa 1:4807227 (PT27) 2003 新金型 Nieuport IV MPlanet Models 1:48PLT098 2003 新金型 North American F-107A Ultra SabreTrumpeter 1:7201605 2002 変更??? Polikarpov R-Z "Natacha" Azur 1:72A033 2003 新金型 SM 79 SparvieroItaleri 1:721225 2003 新金型 Sopwith F.1 Camel ProfiPack Eduard 1:488056 2003 新パーツ GermanKübelwagen Type 82 Pkw.K1 KÜBELWAGEN Typ 82 Tamiya 1:4832501 2003 新金型