Model Military International 24

- 雑誌:
- Model Military International
- 品番:
- 24 | April 2008
- 言語:
- English
News | Page 4NEWSLINE-April'08
Events, clubs and shows, plus industry announcements
Review, 1:35 | Page 6GRANTED, IT IS BETTER
by Graeme CarruthersGraeme Carruthers gets his hands on the much anticipated Academy M3 Grant
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 8LAST STAND AT LENINGRAD
by Noel PetroniNoel Petroni builds a wintry scene around Dragon's Initial Tiger I

Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Sd.Kfz.181
Tiger I INITIAL PRODUCTION sPzAbt 502 Leningrad 1943 Dragon 1:35
6252 2005 新金型 
Wounded Panzer Crew
Jaguar 1:35
63001 News | Page 14TOY FAIR 2008
by John MurphyThe Editor reports on this year's Nuremberg Toy Fair
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 18THE "GECKO"
by Ian RuscoeIan Ruscoe has fun with Italeri's troublesome MH-60K
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 22MINI MONSTER
by Alex ClarkAlex Clark gets his hands on Cromwell Model's latest addition to their Combat 72 range COMBAT 72 RANGE 'MIFLETSET' IDF

IDF Tank Crew
Goffy Model 1:72
7216 Build Report, 1:35 | Page 26CZECH MATE
by Jan PetersJan Peters turns Tamiya's Hetzer against its former owners
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 32MORTAR ON THE MOVE
by Kev SmithKev Smith reviews Dragon's M4 half track mortar carrier
Review, 1:35 | Page 38LEND LEASE LORRY
by Graeme CarruthersWe take a look at ICMs forgotten 'Deuce and a Half', the Studebaker
Review, 1:35 | Page 40AH, GRASSHOPPER!
by Graeme CarruthersGraeme Carruthers checks out Dragon's unusual Grasshopper

Heuschrecke IVb "Grasshopper" 10.5cm le.F.H. 18/6(Sf.) auf Geschüetzwagen III/IV
Dragon 1:35
6439 2007 新金型 Review, 1:35 | Page 41THE DOCTOR GETS A PASTING
by Matt EdwardsMatt Edwards gives us the low down on Dragon’s latest zimmerit coated cat, the Porsche King Tig
News | Page 42Book Reviews
A look at the latest titles to land on our doorstep
Review, 1:35 | Page 46E-MANIA
by Jan PetersJan Peters takes a look at Trumpeter’s E25 ‘Paper Panzer’
News | Page 48Letters
The place to air your comments, suggestions and thoughts
Review, 1:35 | Page 50preview
by Darren ThompsonDarren Thompson checks out Dragon's 38t The 'Gepard'
News | Page 51DIARY DATES
A listing of the up and coming model shows and events.
by Jason BobrowichJason Bobrowich continues his look at Canadian armour in Afghanistan LEOPARD'S IN KANDAHAR
News | Page 58INCOMING
New kits, products and accessories get our initial thoughts
Tips & Tricks | Page 66THE LAST POST... Techniques