Scale Aircraft Modelling Volume 34, Issue 4Issue雑誌:Scale Aircraft Modelling品番:Volume 34, Issue 4 | June 2012言語:English目次Build Report, 1:72 | Page 12Re-Imagining a Classic by Chris FleetFolland Gnat T.1Airfix 1:72A01006 2012 新金型 Build Report, 1:32 | Page 16Belgian Star by Yves Van den BrouckLockheed T-33A Shooting StarCzech Model 1:323203 (902/w161) 2010 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 22Italian Eye in the Sky by Brian WakemanRQ/MQ-1 PredatorBronco 1:48FB4003 2010 新金型 Build Report, 1:72 | Page 26More Than Meets the Eye by Shaun SchofieldLockheed F-22 A RaptorRevell 1:7204386 (80-4386) 2007 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 30Profi Emil by Jamie HaggoBf 109E-1 ProfiPACK Edition Eduard 1:488261 2012 新金型 Build Report, 1:72 | Page 34Sea Stalker by Angel Expósito GonzálezArmstrong Whitworth Whitley GR Mk VII British Medium Bomber Fly 1:7272007 2011 新パーツ Build Report, 1:48 | Page 52Definitive Devastator by Mike WilliamsDouglas TBD-1 'Devastator' VT-8 at Midway 1942 Great Wall Hobby (GWH) 1:48L4807 2012 新金型 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 58Ne Touché Pas by Philippe RogerFocke-Wulf Fw190A-4 [Luftwaffe Fighter] Hasegawa 1:4809091 (JT91) 2006 新パーツ