AIR Modeller 103Issue雑誌:AIR Modeller品番:103 | August-September 2022言語:English目次Build Report, 1:48 | Page 2Put out to Pasture by Ugur Kendel abandoned Turkish F-100 F-100C Super SabreTrumpeter 1:4802838 2009 新金型 Build Report, 1:32 | Page 12Defender by Lorenzo BorgesaSupermarine Spitfire Mk.IXcTamiya 1:3260319 2009 新金型 Build Report, 1:32 | Page 22Tornado by Rene Van Der HartTornado GR.4Italeri 1:322513 2020 新金型 Build Report, 1:32 | Page 32Fallen Eagle by Filippo Chessa abandoned Bf 109 G14As.Messerschmitt Bf109G-10 `Heinz Ewald´Hasegawa 1:3208157 2005 新デカール Build Report, 1:72 | Page 40 Born to be Wild by Jamie HaggoF4F-4 WildcatArma Hobby 1:7270048 2022 新デカール Build Report, 1:72 | Page 52B-25D 'Tinkie' by Jean-Baptiste SaillantNorth American B-25C/D MitchellAirfix 1:72A06015 2018 新金型