スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Guy B.
Guy B.

Rearm and refuel


8 2 January 2024, 18:24
David H
Wow she's a beaut .!!! You can rotate the images in advanced settings
 2 January 2024, 18:31
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 3 January 2024, 06:12

Album info

A P-51 is being rearmed and refueled after a configuration change. The droptanks are being swapped for a pair of bombs. The ammunition crates and fuel drums are already in place. The custombuilt trailer is already put in place and are awaiting the technicians and pilot on a break in the mess facility. Appart from the plane, the drop tanks and the bombs everything else is scratchbuilt.

25 画像
1:32 P-51D-5NA Mustang (Revell 03944)


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