Ma.K Jerry
January 7, 2024Starting with the cockpit. All the parts cut off the sprue and cleaned up ready for some glue and primer.2
January 7, 2024Figure assembled except for the head and the 'handles' glued to the cockpit then primed with Mig One-Shot Grey and Mig One-Shot Sand for the head.3
January 10, 2024After painting I've ended up with the oldest pilot ever!! Looks like a Halloween Mask 😄4
January 10, 2024View from the back showing the Metallic Blue "screen" as that's what that felt like. Seat is painted Metallic Steel with Green-Brown padding.5
January 10, 2024Pilot's jumpsuit and hat painted Dark Camo Green, boots are Green-Brown and drybrushed with Mahogany to show wear, soles Black-Grey. The rest is Panzer Dark Grey and drybrushed with Metallic Steel. Buttons and bits picked out with Fire Red, Sea Blue (also his neck scarf) and Light Green.6
January 14, 2024Last bit of detail painting on the cockpit "tub" a bit of detail underneath. Primed grey then Panzer Dark Grey base coat, drybrushed with Metallic Steel then picked out the tank with Fire Red and cleaned up straps and caps with Steel.7
January 14, 2024The "claw" for the front, assenbled and again primed grey then Panzer Dark Grey base coat, drybrushed with Metallic Steel.8
January 14, 2024Inside sections of the main section. I'm plannning to have it with the hatch open so just painted the bits that'll be seen. Again, primed grey then Panzer Dark Grey and a few small bits of Metallic Steel drybrushing on the handle and details around the windows but mostly on the foot plate.9
January 14, 2024Rear "engine" (I think it's an engine!!). Same colors as before but you really won't ever see this as it'll be hidden behind a mesh grille.10
January 14, 2024Mesh grille glued in place with CA glue.11
January 14, 2024Assembly fitted to the rear and clamped for the glue to dry.12
January 14, 2024Body glued together and taped for the glue to dry.13
January 14, 2024Removed the tape and everything stayed stuck together which is a bonus 😄14
January 14, 2024Doesn't looks too bad but there's a few bits that will need filling.15
January 25, 2024All construction on the main body completed and some filling and sanding and then a "show me" coat of Mig One-Shot grey primer.16
January 25, 2024Some more work needed on the front section, this side still has a bit of a step.17
January 25, 2024The underside needs some more in the dips where the bottom part went on.18
January 25, 2024More work also needed around the various lumps and bumps on the bottom.19
January 27, 2024While I'm filling and sanding on the main body, I made a start on the nose section with a plan! First primed it then Base Coated with US Desert Armour which will be the main body colour but wanted this section to be slightly different.20
January 27, 2024*New Techinque Alert* - Salt chipping.
I lightly dampened the nose section with water then sprinkled cooking salt over that and let it dry for a few hours.21
January 27, 2024Multiple light coats of Aged White over the top of the salt and body colour and let that dry fully.22
January 27, 2024Brushed off the salt with a dry brush to get the effect. Not sure it was the effect that I was after 😄 but it does look interesting! The chips seem very smooth - more circular than I was expecting, I though they'd come out a bit more rough and irregular.23
January 27, 2024Another view of the nose section so you can see the effect.24
January 28, 2024Body has been base coated, again with US Desert Amour25
January 28, 2024Masked off where I want the stripe to be.26
January 28, 2024Salt added after painting with a water damped brush27
January 28, 2024Sprayed Aged White over the salt for the stripe and all the masking and salt has been removed and the nose section glued on.28
January 28, 2024The stripe from the other side.29
January 28, 2024Made a start on the legs with the main assemblies.30
January 28, 2024That didn't take long! Legs assembled.31
February 11, 2024Legs get a coat of grey primer.32
February 11, 2024Legs base coated with US Desert Amour
3 7 January 2024, 11:14
Album info
First build diary of 2024 is Nitto's 1/20 Jerry - Heavy Armoured Figting Suit.