....a MAN 7t milgl 6x6 (plus my 2p on GSW "Airbrush Masking Putty")

Great work Joachim, and thanks for the advice on the masking putty, I might try that next time

Thank You very much, Sirs!!!
Michael: I was really stunned meeting the Elephant, and I still remember the roar of the engine- one of my favourite model kits for sure.

Schöner 7-Tonner, erinnert mich an meine Bundeswehrzeit, waren tolle Fahrzeuge. Der Tarnanstrich ist dir gut gelungen, sehr schön!!!!

Robert and Guy: thank you very much, I am happy, it finds such a good echoe.
Daniel: vielen Dank! Ich habe das gute Ergebnis dem AK Nato Weathering Set zu verdanken, das hat es mir sehr leicht gemacht, denn ich bin noch ein ziemlicher Anfänger, was ernsthaftes Panel lining, shading und weathering angeht. Ich freue mich sehr, dass mein 6x6 überzeugen kann.
Album info
First things first: Belated, I wish a healthy and happy new Year to You!
Lately, inspired by several posts here, I decided to go for masking putty: I bought "Green Stuff World's Airbrush Masking Putty".
With my first attempts on a Puma and an AU-F 1 SPH, I found out, that it is easy to handle and brings really satisfying results.
Then, on the MAN 7t, featured here, I tried out a technique to achieve the closest result to the models reference drawing, the instructions provided.
I took the instructions-PDF from here, and by screenshot, I had a jpeg to work on with my favourite free graphic programme, Silhouette Studio, that I normally use to create vinyl cutting masks for my Silhouette Cameo.
By this I upscaled the drawing to a 1:1 scale to match the model#s measures and printed it as a poster.
I cut out the precise outline of the spaces to be covered with the masking putty. Next I rolled out the putty to a "little black pizza dough" and put the cut-out on it, in order to cut the putty out.
I found out, that it was a real pleasure to set the masking-pieces on the model with ease, and the paintjob brought me a satisfying, crisp-lined result, that I like very much. I am aware, that this may be a bit much work, but I am sure to do so in the future, again.
I just wanted to share this, maybe one of You wants to give it a try, as well.
Best greetings and glue on! 🙂