スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Roberto (Barbagianni)

Ali - #Status Check


12 2 March 2024, 21:11
What colour did you use for the skin tone, buddy?
 8 March 2024, 10:47
Roberto 著者
Tamiya X-18 Semi Gloss Black. I did 2 coats, without primer. Tamiya X-1 Black for the belt. I'm adding step by step every paints I'm using. You can check on the "Project info"
 8 March 2024, 17:28
George Williams
Am Iallowed to say "nice legs"?
 9 March 2024, 13:54
Roberto 著者
George I could say "I bought it because of them"
 9 March 2024, 18:28
These figures have some amazing detail. I picked up Ashley, Field Interview. I'll definitely get more. Mixing the right colour, for the skin tone, and obviously painting them in the right order, are the key to success. Nice work so far, especially with those tricky shoes.
 10 March 2024, 06:08
Roberto 著者
Thank you, Bozzer. I don't know how to paint the make up on the cheeks, how to shade them.
 10 March 2024, 14:10
She's turned out great, mate!
What's your next one?
 22 March 2024, 17:45
Roberto 著者
Thank you. I'm very satisfied of th finale result. Now I have to finish the SIAI S.M. 79 Sparviero and the Ford Escort RS, both by Italeri.
 26 March 2024, 07:48

Project info

12 画像
1:24 Ali - #Status Check (Master Box MB24028)


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