Yak-3 WIP
March 10, 20242
March 10, 20243
March 10, 20244
March 10, 20245
March 10, 20246
March 10, 2024As you can see from the previous pictures there is not that much detail in the cockpit offered by the kit parts, but that's okay since this will be an in-flight display and the pilot figure will cover just about everything inside the cockpit. I'm building this thing OOB. The only detail I think I will add will be a wiring harness to the comms unit behind the pilot's seat.7
March 14, 20248
March 14, 20249
March 14, 202410
March 14, 202411
March 14, 202412
March 14, 202413
March 15, 2024While not adding any aftermarket, I am making a couple of easy modifications to the kit parts to make it pop just a little more. Here - drilling out the exhaust stubs.14
April 1, 202415
March 15, 2024Didn't take a before picture, but the engine cowling that's used to build the closed up version of the plane had just a blank wall in the pockets where the barrels of the Berezin UBS guns come through. I drilled them out and then used the bits from the guns that are provided for the exposed engine option to make barrel stubs and make the business end of the aircraft a little more interesting.16
April 1, 202417
April 1, 202418
April 1, 2024I'm going to do a bit of chipping on the metal parts, so masking off the wooden parts to spray the aluminum base coat19
April 1, 202420
April 1, 2024After the aluminum paint dried, I airbrushed a layer of hair spray for the chipping solution before removing the masks.21
April 1, 202422
April 4, 2024Skipping documenting all the steps for applying the Montex masks. First colors of the camouflage scheme are about ready to go on at this point.23
April 4, 202424
April 5, 2024Underside painted...25
April 5, 2024...and chipped.26
April 5, 202427
April 5, 202428
April 6, 202429
April 6, 202430
April 7, 202431
April 7, 202432
April 7, 2024Ready for the most satisfying part!33
April 7, 202434
April 7, 202435
April 7, 202436
April 7, 2024Rarely can decals beat painted markings.37
April 7, 202438
April 8, 202439
April 8, 202440
April 8, 2024The chipping on the upper surfaces didn't turn out as well as on the bottom and perhaps the post-shading is bit too stark, but she's ready for a gloss coat and decals.41
April 8, 202442
April 11, 2024Calling it done. At this point the only things left are the pilot figure to paint, place, and seal inside the cockpit, some EZ line for the aerial antenna, and the acrylic rod magnetic stand to put together. Pretty happy how this one came together in the end.43
April 11, 202444
April 11, 202445
April 11, 202446
April 11, 202447
April 11, 202448
April 11, 202449
April 21, 202450
April 21, 2024Well, there it is! Dressy final photos coming soon in a separate album.
30 10 March 2024, 02:42

Superb masking and painting job. I can't wait to see this finished work!
And of course, I love your choice of decoration, in my opinion the best for a Yak 3!!!
6 April 2024, 07:41
Album info
Decided to take a little break from the Walrus to get this simple kit built.