Red Squadron X-Wing Starfighters
June 1, 2024Started by assembling the wings for both sizes and primed with Mig One-Shot Grey.2
June 1, 2024Base coated with White-Grey. 1:144 engine exhausts and the intakes on all of them painted Anthracite Grey3
June 2, 2024Wings glossed and ready for Decals staring with the small one first4
June 2, 2024Half the wing decals done on the 1:144 X-Wing5
June 2, 2024And the other half done6
June 3, 20241/72 wings glossed and ready for decals
June 3, 2024One half of the wing decals done on the 1/72. There are no Yellow decals for the underside of the wings on the 1/144 kit so I probably need to paint those in as I like how they look on the bigger one.8
June 9, 2024Wing decals complete. Did a bit of masking on the small ones and sprayed with a 50/50 mix of medium yellow and white to match the big ones.9
June 9, 2024And the other side10
June 10, 2024Wings gloss coated over the decals and then drybrushed with Abteilung Smoke oil paints. They need a few days to dry now.11
June 11, 2024Bit of detail painting on the pilot and had a go with one of the R2 heads at hand painting it. Could be better, lets see what the decal one looks like before I decide whether to use it12
June 11, 2024Cockpit decalled and assembled with some more detail painting to go unter the droid strip.13
June 11, 2024Assembled sections and primed with one shot grey - the 1/72 one. Masked the inside of the canopy to protect the cockpit.14
June 11, 2024Assembled sections and primed with one shot grey - the 1/144 one15
June 13, 20241/72 X-Wing base coated with White Grey16
June 13, 20241/144 X-Wing base coated with White Grey17
June 13, 2024Masked off the 1/72 one for the Red stripe up the sides. Here's one side18
June 13, 2024and the other side.19
June 13, 2024Red striped painted with Fire Red, one side20
June 13, 2024and the other side21
June 13, 2024Both canopies got some liquid mask chipping added with a sharp cocktail stick22
June 13, 2024Canopies sprayed Blue Grey23
June 13, 2024Chipping fluid removed and the windows painted black on the 1/44 one.24
June 13, 2024Oil paints are now dry on the wings so they get a coat of matt varnish.25
June 14, 2024The decals on the R2 droid head didn't turn out very well so I'm definately looking at using a painted head of either the R2 or R526
June 14, 2024With bodies painted in the same colour, I'm leaning towards the R5 head27
June 15, 2024Decals done and ready for another gloss coat then oil paint to make them dirty.28
June 16, 2024All the pieces get a Smoke Oil paint drybrush. Need to leave that a few days to dry.29
June 18, 2024Oils are dry so after a coat of Matt varnish the 1/144 one is ready for assembly.30
June 18, 2024and so is the 1/72 one.31
June 18, 2024The small one is assembled and put on it's stand.32
June 18, 2024and so is it's "big brother".33
June 18, 2024Both complete. I'll take a nice 360 against a plain background tomorrow when the light is better.34
June 19, 2024Here's the "Beauty Shots" first both of them together.35
June 19, 20241/144 scale X-Wing36
June 19, 202437
June 19, 202438
June 19, 202439
June 19, 202440
June 19, 202441
June 19, 202442
June 19, 202443
June 19, 202444
June 19, 202445
June 19, 20241/72 scale X-Wing46
June 19, 202447
June 19, 202448
June 19, 202449
June 19, 202450
June 19, 202451
June 19, 202452
June 19, 202453
June 19, 202454
June 19, 202455
June 19, 2024
20 1 June 2024, 17:37
Album info
Another multi-build but this time it's two X-Wings supplied in one box
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