The Biber had an engine system Otto. Fuel supply is approximately 225 litres. A kind of pontoon or barge shall be the platform to maintain and supply the mini-submarine. The project is pure fantasy - my immagination of .what might have been. I still need to find out more about the refuelling process.
Now I've found a drawing of the Biber - a longitudinal section. The fuel tank was in front of the pilot's seat, the engine was behind the seat (and turret).
Source: panzerserra.blogspot..-submarine-case.html
The maintenance barge photographed in my presentation box. It's really too small, but I want to test conditions for an harbor basin. Above all testing the ground and the tideline.
Pumping by hand - I'm looking for data ... not very successful. I found only data for a Horn K 10 hand pump - one pumpstroke = estimated 1/4 l fuel (according to the declaration of an user, not the manufacteurer). It seems little to me. But I have an idea of it ...
may be they had used several canisters and a funnel.
Feedin' the Biber - a mock-up test. Next will be detailing the minisub (e.g. the tank hose), weathering and so on ... some colours don't correspond to my expectations (e.g. torpedo warheads). The submarine pilot is wearing a grey leather pant.
By the way: Thank you for your likes and kind reactions.
I think one of the most controversial discussed themes of ww2-modelling is the colour of German torpedoes. I try to use AK True Metal (Gun Metal) on grey/black priming. I refer to a US Navy handbook which wrote German G7 torpedoes were of steel - only a few had a bronze warhead. There is also a black and white photo of a dud shot on an American beach - I think a dark grey warhead and a metal grey corpus - but I am only a layman ... most museum versions may be pure imagination. Red/white colours are practice ammunition. Blue colour comes from Bundeswehr (anti-rust). That's waht I have read -
if you are a specialist - please - give me advice. Very welcomed!
The photograph helps me to identify the missing. Next are the PE parts.
12 10 October 2024, 10:15
Michael Kohl Oh, that looks promising. I hope more pics will come.
10 October 2024, 15:10
Thomas E.著者 Thank you for comment and like. I am training my photographic skills ... at least I hope so. But I have to choose another camera aperture ...