F-16I Sufa
2 26 September 2012, 18:57

Phantastic work with the brush! Welcome to the club, Adrian!
@Augie: We're not alone... Now we can listen every day to the Genesis album "Then there were three...!"
27 September 2012, 12:29

I agree with the Mates.A very very good paintjob youve done by brush.
27 September 2012, 17:18

@ Frank
Great Genesis album ...best song "Undertow"
27 September 2012, 17:20

Nice work 🙂
@ Frank: Yay... and there where 3... now we just need a few more and we can do the "I can't dance" walk😉
27 September 2012, 17:59

That is something i will see on you tube,when you all to the dance.
27 September 2012, 18:01

Great clip ! I like his Michael Jackson imitation at the end 🙂
27 September 2012, 18:02

lol of course bill.. dont see why not.. but maybe one day even the US contingent can join us
27 September 2012, 18:20

I'll be in Germany during the week of October 15 - I've reserved the afternoon of Friday October 19 to visit the Luftwaffe Museum near Berlin. BYOB. 🙂
27 September 2012, 18:28

Hehehhe Wily - I've understand - the same as sniffing etylacetat!!!!! -
27 September 2012, 18:32

Hmmm, 800km... can you make a fuel stop at Antwerp Airport on the way home ?
27 September 2012, 18:32

I would have to use a parachute, and I'm not fond of leaving a perfectly good airplane. 🙂
27 September 2012, 18:44

Bill, maybe i join you in Berlin! Now it depends in my boss...
Drunken? I always read " drunken" here! How can i participate?😢
27 September 2012, 18:59

@ Willy, some month ago, i had a great conversation over Skype with a close scalemates buddy from Hellas😢!
Cool idea to make a party!
27 September 2012, 19:08

That's right, I plan on that afternoon to visit Gatow and the Luftwaffe museum. I'm visiting some customers in the morning, not sure how long that will take so my schedule is not set yet. Meeting for coffee sounds good. I'll be traveling with a business associate who also wants to see the museum. Plus, he's bringing me some Gunze paint that I need! And, of course, he speaks German and Swedish in case we encounter any Berserkers or other Northern Barbarian types who want to sack Rome! Holger may be able to come down - maybe I should talk to his boss! 🙂
27 September 2012, 23:17

Now that I think about it, Holger would be coming down from the North...and he likes artillery! Hmmm...
27 September 2012, 23:18

Hello guys, thank you for your kindly words. Ans what about UK branch? I'm planning to go to Scale ModelWorld... maybe we can neet there.
28 September 2012, 09:02

Harry, I'm a bit dissapointed with Kinetic kit. Fit is great, but plastic seems to me fragile and cheap. One of my next project will be a Chilean Air Force F-16C block 50, so I'll let you know the differences between both kits.
28 September 2012, 10:28

Hey Acki, wenn ich nach Gatow komme, soll ich Jever importieren?😢
28 September 2012, 11:22

Hi Adrian, very good work. Love the F-16, looks very cool.
@Holger: Klar, dann müssen wir nicht diese verkeimte Spreebrühe hier trinken. Klappt es denn?
28 September 2012, 16:22

Verkeimte Spreebrühe? Oh Gott, wie musst Du armer Kerl nur leben! Dat ischa menschenunwürdig...🙂😢
28 September 2012, 16:45
Album info
Hand painted using Revell and Humbrol acrylics. The level of details is quite good, however I did not like the plastic quality and the exagerate panels. Builded out of the box.