Cant Z.1007bis - 1/72 - Supermodel
32 24 March, 17:45

"You need to find the right technique for applying this pattern?" 🙂 Seriously? Well, I think you have figured it out just fine already - it is breathtakingly beautiful!
24 March, 17:56

Wow, I love it! 👍 I guess first a coat of yellow, then red mottles and last was the green?
24 March, 19:27

Thank you, mates!
I started to feel the way when I reached the tail planes. At least, it look much better than on the wings to my eyes.
Exactly, base color is the yellow, then came the green and brown mottling.
25 March, 12:23

One of the best buid of the the old supermodel!!!!👍🏼Great work on the bombing bay!
1 26 March, 06:51
Album info
This is the 50 years old Supermodel kit reboxed by Italeri.
I used the excellent 3d printed engines, cowlings, props and bombs by Airone Hobby.
Clear parts were replaced by Squadron vacuform items.
Interior and bomb bay are mostly scratchbuilt with leftover PE parts wit the addition of a PE set by RCR.
Raised surface details were sanded away and rescribed.
Top camo is airbrushed by MRP lacquers. I still need to find the right technique for applying this pattern.