Gloster Meteor F.3
28 October 2012, 12:08

Thank you Augie and Alexander. Yes, I hand paint all my aircraft models. I had an airbrush some time ago, but now I'm on a "back-to-basics" stage. I'm having really great times painting without too much worries!!!
29 October 2012, 18:54

"back to basics" is really a great approach. Maybe i should do this, too. Just glue, paint and no worries and i'm 10 years old again😉. I like it.
29 October 2012, 19:04

Yeah!!! I agree Adrian, it's nice to get back to painting basics, a good exercise in getting a great finish with a brush. I find a flat brush the best. Getting the correct paint consistency is also vital. Ironically I find the best consistency is the same as that as I use for Airbrushing, about the same as Milk.
You've got a great finish on this example Adrian...
29 October 2012, 19:07

Indeed it is very relaxing, however when you are a plastic modeler for such a long time (20 years) you are very perfeccionist, so even during this back to basics stage you try to do your best.
31 October 2012, 20:08

Yep! thats exactly right Adrian. That is what makes it an exciting exercise, trying to replicate an Airbrush finish with an ordinary Brush...
31 October 2012, 20:18

Nice one and u didt a great paint job with the brush
Sommting that i not can do
2 November 2012, 08:01
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Finally finished. Very pleasent build, but such a terrible tailsitter. As usual hand painted using acrylics. Highly recommended as quick project.