スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
neil kerr (kerrsy)



12 January 2013, 14:25
neil kerr 著者
thats enough for today
 12 January 2013, 16:26
Hi Neil, great bikes! Thanks for showing.
Cool workbench.
 12 January 2013, 16:30
neil kerr 著者
lol it got a roof with fan and filter aswell
 12 January 2013, 16:45
Frank Krause
Wow, great bikes! I love the Ninja!
I'd better don't show this my wife. She used to ride a 1200 Yamaha and is therefore motorcycle fan, but when she'd login to Scalemates, she could also see my stash... 🙁 Better not...
 12 January 2013, 16:52
neil kerr 著者
lol I love KawasaKi's I own a ZX10R
 12 January 2013, 16:56
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
A lot of "Horsepower" in your room.
Great Bikes ,smooth finish 👍
 12 January 2013, 17:04
Philip De Keyser
Top bikes Neil 👍
 12 January 2013, 19:52
Mike Kryza
Top build bikes - very good!
 12 January 2013, 20:30
neil kerr 著者
thanks I admire what you guy do with weathering no need for the bikes as they always look pristine. I do a bit on the exhausts blueing and welds but I am still learning so I think the next stage will be trying to get a carbon fibre weave correct. I was thinking of a black base coat then applying a very fine mesh as a mask and painting mettalic grey in the mesh gaps.Do you think this might work. I do not want to go the way of fine detail kits Iprefer to hand paint
 13 January 2013, 12:21
Dirk Heyer
Hi Neil,
pls show us more details of your amazing models! Sadly we don´t have a lot of modeller of motorcycles here on SM.
I will try to built one of this amazing kits in future! So it would be great to hear and learn more of this fine stuff! 🙂
And does n`t matter if they looks always pristine, it must be so...
 13 January 2013, 12:37
neil kerr 著者
I will post photos as I build the latest model.I am new to this and a bit shy of showing the build. I am getting better and any tips would be greatly appreciated
 13 January 2013, 12:42
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Neil,youre in the best place to be to increase your skills. 🙂
 13 January 2013, 13:59
neil kerr 著者
I notice you mention future a lot what do you use this for?
 13 January 2013, 15:15
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
I personaly dont use it.See the link ,its a good explanation for what to use !
Otherwise " google " can help.
 13 January 2013, 15:38
neil kerr 著者
new pictures,decided to de chrome the frame and swing arm and go for the polished aluminium look
 13 January 2013, 18:27
Alexander Aristides Cronvall
Nice work 👍 always nice to see a well built tamiya bike come to life.
 13 January 2013, 18:37
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Curious about the result with the alu look. 👍
 13 January 2013, 18:42
neil kerr 著者
don't know what colour to go for either gloss alu or silver leaf the actual bike looks nothing like Tamiya's chrome plating as its just polished alu
 13 January 2013, 19:10
neil kerr 著者
Markus I have attached a photo of the actual bike so you can see what I mean about frame/swingarm colour. Any suggestions to colour?
 14 January 2013, 09:29
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Its a very flat finish compared to the tamiya chrome.
Perhaps can the Aircraft Mates help you with the right color (alclad or so)
If the bike was green ,i would suggest tamiya olive drab😉
And if you want to weather it ,just call 🙂
 14 January 2013, 09:46
neil kerr 著者
lol cheers
 14 January 2013, 10:30
Philip De Keyser
Hi Neil, maybe Alclad Dull Alumunium?
 14 January 2013, 12:16
Dirk Heyer
Hi Neil,
the original bike is chrome!

 14 January 2013, 12:26
Dirk Heyer
I`ve found two built models:


and here you have to search for Honda RC211V `06 and to open the pdf file 🙂


Have fun, Neil
 14 January 2013, 12:30
neil kerr 著者
Dirk not quite as chrome as the original Tamiya part tho. That is just to shiny
 14 January 2013, 12:36
Dirk Heyer
Yes you are right!
Have a look on the Zero homepage. They produce only colours for Bikes and car models!!
Maybe they have some suggestion for you?
 14 January 2013, 12:40
neil kerr 著者
Cheers guys
 14 January 2013, 12:42
neil kerr 著者
pics of sprockets drilled, I love my archimedes drill lol
 14 January 2013, 12:56
neil kerr 著者
time to try out my new spray booth see pics
 14 January 2013, 14:21
neil kerr 著者
wheels nice and blue
 14 January 2013, 14:52
neil kerr 著者
pic of swing arm. have gone with silver leaf. what do you think?
 14 January 2013, 16:01
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
It isnt Green !!! 😉
No really ,it looks very well to me.
 14 January 2013, 16:11
neil kerr 著者
wait for the cammo fairing Markus
 14 January 2013, 16:27
neil kerr 著者
engine in frame and trial fit of exhausts
 16 January 2013, 16:36
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Neil
Looks very good! Can allmost hear the sound ! 🙂
Mate,we got the same side cutter ! Top Tool!
 16 January 2013, 17:17
neil kerr 著者
Quality tools!
 16 January 2013, 17:20
Fethi Isiksal
Just perfect
 16 January 2013, 18:58
neil kerr 著者
exhaust painted and welds added. Do you think I have blued them too much? I tend to get carried away with it.
 18 January 2013, 09:54
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Neil
I think it should look like this.
In my opinion you did it well.
 18 January 2013, 11:01
neil kerr 著者
man they are top notch. although they are chrome exhausts. Man I am so jealous but it gives me something to aim for
 18 January 2013, 11:14
neil kerr 著者
no used mp paints blue steel.
 18 January 2013, 17:15
neil kerr 著者
swing arm and wheel mounted to frame pic
 18 January 2013, 17:16
Dirk Heyer
Cool stuff!!
I like bikes as models. They show us so many details in 1:12, looks so great! You must have a lot of fun to built such a kit!
The burning effect on exhausts is truly realistic!
I`m infected of bike virus as I examine your threat!
 19 January 2013, 13:54
neil kerr 著者
cheers Dirk get yourself a model bike and try it out. I am starting to get the itch for tanks but it will be like starting as a novice, I have no idea of armour build and weathering at all.
 19 January 2013, 17:12
Dirk Heyer
I will try it out!
Will have a look in eBay for Tamiya bike models! 🙂
 19 January 2013, 17:26
neil kerr 著者
Sunday is spray day pure white followed by pearl white
 20 January 2013, 13:47
neil kerr 著者
bodywork painted
 21 January 2013, 09:16
Kim Branders
some really nice models my friend. Grtz Kim
 21 January 2013, 12:09
neil kerr 著者
cheers man
 21 January 2013, 12:19
neil kerr 著者
rolling chassis coming along
 21 January 2013, 19:47
neil kerr 著者
ok thanks but so new to this, what is dry brushing? Do I paint x19 on the keep brushing to thin it out?
 22 January 2013, 08:34
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Have a look here,Mate!
This are two parts (one step by step)
 22 January 2013, 08:58
neil kerr 著者
cheers Markus
 22 January 2013, 12:27
neil kerr 著者
ok I get the idea but do not understand the paint wheel. On gold leaf what colour would be best?
 22 January 2013, 13:08
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Got you some metallic black? It could look like some wear and tear.But the brush must be very dry .
Try it often with more steps .Not to much paint in one try.
Try it on a spare part first if you not shure.
 22 January 2013, 16:47
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
But only the edges and details (bolts ,nuts) drybrush.
 22 January 2013, 17:01
neil kerr 著者
ok I will give it a go on one of my old models. Thank you
 22 January 2013, 19:28
kamal sabokbar
very nice job.you made it perfect.I love making motorcycle kit.but unfortunately there isnt any kit of motorcycle in iran... 🙁
 2 March 2013, 21:17
neil kerr 著者
is it not possible to import them?
 11 March 2013, 09:18

Album info

Honda project also a couple of older models and my set up.

29 画像
1:12 Honda RC211V (Tamiya 14107)


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