Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXc
12 March 2013, 22:30

There are some real nice details in the cockpit, looks great so far Albi😉
13 March 2013, 07:36

Thank you Philip. This one will become a desert Spitfire.
Usually less is more ... but in this case, there is some dust missing 😉
13 March 2013, 17:30

Thank you Holger, thank you Vin.
I hope the rest will follow in the same "quality".
The Tamiya kit is just great, you can spend much more time for weathering and stuff (instead of filling and sanding) ... 😉
19 March 2013, 15:55

Hello Albi,
I am quite excited about the Spitfires interiors! What a pleasure to look at these subtile painted and weathered parts- congratulations, I am looking forward to the next pictures!
22 March 2013, 07:12

Hello Roland
Thank you for your words of support.
To be honest, I don't know where I was heading from the start, but this is probably the best kit I ever built and this motivates immensely as the comments of my mates do... thanks again
22 March 2013, 08:08

Thank you Holger ...
Now I'm waiting for the Montex Masks (instead of the thick Tamiya decals) ...
6 April 2013, 15:11

The decals are too thick? Not a good thing when i mention the price!
6 April 2013, 15:16

Thank you Frank ...
making the final spurt towards the finishing line 🙂
6 April 2013, 15:20

Thats right, but considering the quality of the rest no big deal!
I think its the typical Tamiya decal quality and i think they're all a bit thick and in 1/32 big!!!.
Bottom line, i like to work with masks, i can fade out the blue and red much better then put fading colour on the decal. 🙂
6 April 2013, 16:05

Interior impeccably assembled and painted.
Incredible work you performed.
6 April 2013, 17:40

Superb work, I am really impressed and eager to see more. As it has been said before: masterly and inspiring!
6 April 2013, 21:19

Martien, Mike and Roy. Thank you for the kind words and your approval! I appreciate that.
The Spitfire is on hold at the moment. I'm still waiting for Montex Masks. I'll use them instead of the Tamiya decals ... they're to tick!
I hope i carry on with this one soon ... and can show the final result.
9 May 2013, 15:32

Thanks Roy.
To be honest: It was a trial.
First i sprayed the exhaust pipe in a light grey all over.
Then I used AK Interactive (AK 046) Light Rust Wash and (AK 013) Rust Streaks and a little bit of AK 043 Medium Rust and AK 086 Dark Steel pigments on the outside...
9 May 2013, 16:32

.... Thats easy in-between all the good models around every day ... 😉
Thank you Christian.
9 May 2013, 19:58

It seems that sometimes the newsfeed is so fast that it´s not possible to catch everything when you you´re one day off.
9 May 2013, 20:46

.... thats right. But its fun as well, when somebody reply on an older topic, an you can join this way ... thats one part on scale mates i really like
9 May 2013, 20:59

Your kit is really stunning, especially the weathering of the cockpit and engine. I hope you'll soon receive the masks you're waiting for.
I once used the montex masks, and found them to sticky, peeling off the paint. Did you have the same problem? Do you have any hint of how to avoid that?
10 May 2013, 04:56

Oh yes, I hope the masks are coming soon and we will see further steps of your beautiful bird. Quite stunning and a great build, the Merlin is pure delight!
10 May 2013, 07:06

Hi Albi,
I like all those technical features of this great build! I hope you will show all those features like the engine later on?
Your choice for Montex masks is a good one! I can agree the better look of self painted markings in comparison to water slide decals.
Greetz Dirk
10 May 2013, 09:06

@ Linoel Marco: Thank you very much for your words. I had the same problems with masks (see my 1:48 Hurricane ... or on german planes with splinter-camouflage and Tamiya-tape ) then i changed from Vallejo colors to Gunze and Tamiya Colors when I use masks and its better.
I guess its very important to clean the whole model, because just a little grease on the surface and the adhesion is gone.
The other thing is to let dry the color between the different steps ... (see my Hurricane as well 😉 ).
10 May 2013, 10:04

@ Roland and Dirk:
Thank you mates for your words.
I hope that I can continue soon ... its a lot of masking and airbrushing to do ...
10 May 2013, 10:07

@ Guido:
You won't regret this purchase! It will be pure modeling fun.
I'll take a seat as well, when you start your Spitfire ...
10 May 2013, 10:12

Thank you Ed.
Its almost finished ... only the markings a little oil and dust left ... 😉
10 May 2013, 11:45

Moin Albi
Details wunderschön aufgewertet , Lackierung in allen Punkten gelungen
Gratuliere 🙂
19 August 2013, 21:48

Hi albi. You did an extraordinary job on the spit. Superb balance between painting and weathering. Just great
20 August 2013, 07:05

Ein wahrer Traum Albi, sie ist echt ein ganz besonderes Meisterstück von Dir geworden! Ich gratuliere zu diesem genialen Modell!
20 August 2013, 12:20

Thank you Stefan.
It's always a challenge to do the "right" weathering.
To be honest, most of the planes (and tanks as well) were "well used" but maintenance ... 😉
20 August 2013, 18:20