Tankette TKS B
25 March 2013, 18:08

I put my TKW-II on hold because of the suspension.
So I can easily understand, what efforts you have out into this kit! Nice job, Paul! Well done! 👍
TKW II | Project by Frank Krause (1:35)
26 March 2013, 13:41

I had to glue the track to every wheel with super glue. The track is thick and would not bend without persuasion As I glued the track I wedged in toothpicks and Q-tips to hold it down. I actually had to hold the track around the rear idler to keep it in place until the glue dried. It was a real pain to put on.
26 March 2013, 14:05

Holy cow i cant believe anyone has finished this mirage kit and to make it look this good is a testament to your skills and patience. this motivates me to want to get cracking on mine
27 March 2013, 03:05

It's a tough build but it makes into a unique model. Believe it or not I have another one in my stash with a full interior. Should be twice as painful to do...
27 March 2013, 16:14
Album info
The tank hull was built up from panels, there was a lot of flash and fit was OK. I had to modify the running gear to add the later suspension and the instructions were vague - My running gear is 2-3mm too long. Fortunately the provided tracks are extra long and can be trimmed to size. I painted the model with Tamiya paints and used an Ultra-fine Sharpie to outline the camouflage. A small base was created with a plaque, woodland scenics fallen trees and static grass.