March 28, 2013I love the excitement of starting a new project! Never know how it will come out....2
March 28, 2013Resin wheels (top) compared to kit's (bottom). The kit wheels have the wrong number of bolts, and no detail on the back.3
March 29, 2013Ejector pin marks on the TOP of the fenders 🙁4
March 29, 2013These ejector pin marks are shallow, but numerous. I usually fill these with cyanoacrylate glue, so that the glue is even-with or higher than the hole. After it dries good and tight, I shave it down level with a scalpel blade.5
March 29, 2013After shaving the pin marks, I'll sand them a little as needed. Here you can see "before" filling the pin marks (top) and "after" (bottom).6
March 29, 2013Here's something I have not seen before. A spare antenna holder. My references show 4 posts; 2 solid and 2 hollow. So...7
March 29, 2013Replaced the solid posts with wire to make it easier to add spare antennas later (they will slip over the wire).8
March 29, 2013Added hinges and wing-nuts to the jack brackets.9
March 29, 2013Added a clip to help hold down the wire cutters (just a thin scrap of metal from an old photo-etch tree)10
March 29, 2013Just test fitting the wheels and upper hull11
March 30, 2013The kit comes with a nice little fret of photo-etch.12
March 30, 2013Added guides to the gunner's periscope slider.13
April 2, 2013Muffler and grill detail; added a rough texture to the muffler and a wing-nut to the sliding grill cover14
April 2, 2013The metal machine gun shields needed some bolts added15
April 2, 2013Notek light with wire and fuse added16
April 2, 2013Decided to do the Flammpanzer version17
April 2, 2013Notice the flame thrower inside the false barrel18
April 2, 2013Time to start painting19
April 3, 2013Added a scratch built periscope above the gun mantlet. The kit does not supply one.20
April 3, 2013I discovered that the rear of the flame suppressor on the muffler should be open (it was solid on the kit part). I removed the piece, hollowed out the back end, extended the muffler to the right length, and scratch built a bracket out of plastic sheet.21
April 3, 2013Using Model Master Acryl "Medium Green" as a base coat/primer22
April 5, 2013Base colors applied.23
April 5, 2013The green was airbrushed, the others are hand brushed.24
April 7, 2013Gloss coated and decals added25
April 8, 2013Drilling out a few track links to install track pins on the lead link of each set of spares26
April 8, 2013Spare track links ready to be painted and installed27
April 10, 2013Dry-brushed and ready for weathering and tracks.28
April 12, 2013A little blast from a hair dryer softens the glued tracked. They bend like putty, and can be shaped to sag perfectly.29
April 12, 2013Finished!
28 March 2013, 20:54

A nice one!
My favorite:
the wing-nuts ... they're small
... you must be a really patient man George!
7 April 2013, 01:45