LaGG 3
2 21 May 2013, 19:29

I forgot to mention that I already removed the slabs of the wings.
They were standard on the 29th series.
21 May 2013, 19:31

The 29th series were equiped with automatic slabs.
They were not standard at the 4th series.
22 May 2013, 11:03

@Dave He means that this type was equipped with automatic wing slats to increase manoeuvrability! Previous types was equipped with fixed one!
Btw, a fine start Duncan, I will stay tuned to watch your progress!
I like your improvised workbench! Reminds me to long time ago and working on mothers kitchen table!! 🙂
22 May 2013, 20:11

I started the kit during the "pfingstbastelrausch" That means I visited with 2 other friends another friend and we were building together. A big thanks to "Flying Circus" and to Friedrich and Michael for the great weekend. I will upload pictures of it later.
23 May 2013, 11:03

THe Aircraft was very close for it's final flight against the wall.
The Glue of the Roden Decals is so agressive that it softened the paint to the plastic.
I had to remove a big area of paint because it has gotten soft.
At the newest photo you can see the damage, I applied a bit greenf or the visibility of the edges, Now I was able to hide the most of it, you can only see it when light shines on this area.
At the other side I was lucky, only the first coat of future was attacked, but you can still see the damage at this side, a small star shaped hole in the future.
First Thing i did yesterday was burning the Decals as a stress reducing action.
29 May 2013, 14:35

"!=)&/$§()=&%§/Q&$(/§"!&😭=)$§&!!! That bloody cannopy made crack as I touched it!!!!!
It was the last part I need for completition!!!!
U)"§=)(Z§Q$)(§$()=/!!!! I'm going nuts!!!The LaGG is very close to make ti's maidenflight agains the wall!!!!!!!!
11 June 2013, 14:38

Oh Duncan, reading your description I remembered our little conversation about Rodens rodden decals! Now I understand...
I hope stress reduction has worked properly!
11 June 2013, 14:39

I glued the parts because I have only this cannopy.
The Plastic was too hard. Not elastic enough, as I grabed it with a Pinzette to apply future to it it made crack.
I will bike to a friend in some minutes.
I cna't gurantee for nothing now, that's why I leave.
11 June 2013, 14:43

Every once in a while, there is a kit where these things happen. Don't go nuts, save that for really serious matters. This is just a piece of plastic. 🙂
11 June 2013, 16:11

These are the "precious" moments in modeling... I would be glad if I could say that it only happened one time to me...
11 June 2013, 18:42

It's just the thing I've put so much effort in this kit. That's why I got so angry.
11 June 2013, 21:17

I understand you very good, Cookie! A bath in future will maybe help! Not you, the canopy!😢
12 June 2013, 06:20

Holger the Cannopy is completly broken, not just a crack.
I glued the parts but it doesn't llok very good.
I will ask a friend if he got a replacement part.
12 June 2013, 08:17
Album info
A very nice litle kit, but it needs lots of work.
You should get the Toko issiue the moulds are a bit better.
And here the plastic is very bad, it was absorbing the glue in it.
So you need to apply more glue as usual.