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スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Tammy Jerrett (Tamstar)

Black Panther Special

Photo 1 of 3


19 October 2013, 12:54
Tammy Jerrett 著者
And so it begins!!!
 19 October 2013, 12:57
Tammy Jerrett 著者
We only need one caster in the family, cheers babe. 👍
 19 October 2013, 13:04
Adam Carter
Looking really cool
 19 October 2013, 13:58
pass popcorn..
 19 October 2013, 21:31
Bill Spargo
Augies comment is correct, let the show begin. What a great start Tammy, the instruments look great well done.
 20 October 2013, 09:07
Vorya hidaryan
good start.nice work on cockpit 👍
 20 October 2013, 09:52
Holger Kranich
Tornado, yeah! Tammy i´m somewhat tuned, you cant imagine!😢
 20 October 2013, 11:17
Tammy Jerrett 著者
Thanks all amazing what a few decals will do. Will do more soon.. working for a living is highly overrated and take up my precious time..(😢
 22 October 2013, 11:53
Bill Spargo
Happy birthday for the 5th Tammy, its looking really great. going to give it a birthday touch to remember? Enjoy your special birthday, love and best wishes .
 3 March 2014, 10:45

Project info

3 画像
1:48 Tornado IDS (HobbyBoss 80353)1:48 Tornado (Zotz Decals ZTZ48/010)


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