AugieErr Brandon... buddy....
Wrong aircraft hehe you got a EA-6B not a A-6E
1 January 2014, 22:54
B 著者I fixed the title
1 January 2014, 22:58
B 著者I feel stupid....🙁
1 January 2014, 22:59
AugieHappens buddy, don't sweat it.
I did it in air cadets at an aircraft recognition competition..
1 January 2014, 23:00
B 著者The EA-6B is used for electronic warfare....hence the jamming pods on the did I get that wrong????
1 January 2014, 23:00
AugieStill looks like a A-6..
1 January 2014, 23:28
B 著者Well,they're both the same airframe...
1 January 2014, 23:34
Augieyeah so not that bad a mistake... not like you picked a EF-18G... now that would of been facepalm time
1 January 2014, 23:34
B 著者Oh,you mean if I said the EA-6B was an EF-18G...yeah,that would've been bad
1 January 2014, 23:51
B 著者I know my US Navy Aircraft...I just get the EA-6B and A-6 mixed up
1 January 2014, 23:52
Augieeasily done.. same as the differnt plastic bugs..
2 January 2014, 00:16
B 著者Thanks Gerry 🙂
2 January 2014, 02:45
Hunter CumminsTop notch as usual 😄😄 really a true bueaty 😄
2 January 2014, 03:33
B 著者Wow!! Thanks Hunter!!
2 January 2014, 03:54
Hunter CumminsNo problem brandon 😄 but im serious this model is amazing 😄😄
2 January 2014, 13:58