Italeri RF-84F Thunderflash
4 January 2014, 17:09

I'm currently thinking a Greek one in NMF. Damn - just realized I still need to add the view finder of this recce version to the instrument panel. The PE part was originally designed for the "normal" F-84F.
4 January 2014, 18:21

Nice work on the cockpit. I have this kit, in a different boxing, that I am going to do in Royal Danish Air Force Colours. Still need to source the decals, though...
4 January 2014, 19:55

nice start Bernd. May a stupid question, but why there are three belts at the seats back rest? Cheers, Christian
5 January 2014, 14:18

Ok - question not about the RF-84F but that Bondic you use. A little googleing did not turn up much. So where can you get that stuff outside of Germany ? Even finding the Bauhaus website and google translate did not help much other then all the locations in Germany you can buy this stuff ;P. Also how much is it?
5 January 2014, 14:44

Bondic is also sold under the Proformic brand.
Loctite has a whole range of UV-activated/cured plastic, including Loctite 4305 and Loctite 3491. Costs is 3-4 Euros per gram 😮 🙂
5 January 2014, 15:25

Thanks but the stuff is still elusive. Proformic has a nice web page but no info on where to buy it or how much it costs. Loctite 4305 showed up at $50 US for a little 1oz bottle and the 3491 I can get a liter of the stuff for about $300 to $500 US and it looks like you have to get your own UV light source. I guess I really don't need that fancy glue but I think the concept is really cool.
5 January 2014, 15:47

Thanks for your comments!
@Christian: Good question. I just followed the Airwaves instructions. I think I'll need to cross-check this with my reference books lol
5 January 2014, 16:17

Proformic is available in Germany as a set complete with the lamp and as shown in Bernd's picture for 25 Euros (4 grams)
Quite expensive for what it does and for me the use case is rather rare 🙂
5 January 2014, 18:22

Thanks for the info. My apology's for hijacking this post. I will keep looking for a place where I can order that stuff from the US. I can think of dozens of cases where it would have been nice to have that kind of control over when your glue dries 🙂
5 January 2014, 18:48

I used the Easter holidays to continue with my Thunderflash. My next project will definitely be something more out of the box...some recent kit with recessed panel lines and stuff...that will be great!
21 April 2014, 11:30

Great work! May I ask where did you get those awesome lens? I also have this kit, may want to do the same thing like you in the future. Thanks in advance!
22 April 2014, 04:24

Thanks guys!
@Christian B.: I really want to build a state of the art kit. But you're right - oftentimes I tend to find those "forgotten" kits more appealing...
@Martin: The lenses were made with "Bondic". That's kind of a liquid platic which cures when you use a certain kind of light on it. That's what you see in one of the photos.
22 April 2014, 16:51

First time to know this fancy thing, very nice indeed! Thanks a lot for the reply and sharing!
23 April 2014, 04:25

Hi Bernd, sieht schon sehr gut aus , Deine Thunderflash, die Bondic technik kenne ich bislang nur vom Zahnarzt ?! 😄
Ich habe da in 2013 in Dänemark drei Fotos gemacht, die vielleicht für Dich von Nutzen,aber mindestens interessant sind:
RF - 84 F Museum Langelandsfortet Denmark 2013 | Album by Aquilifer
2 April 2015, 09:05

Bei dem traurigen Anblick kommen mir ja die Tränen 🙁 Ganz so abgewrackt soll meine Thunderflash nicht werden. Obwohl sich nach diesen Fotos sicher auch tolle "Schrott-Dioramen" bauen ließen...
2 April 2015, 21:52

Soweit ich das verstanden habe, wird aus den dreien ein Ausstellungsexemplar entstehen. Das Museum ist eine alte Artilleriestellung zur Sicherung des großen Belt auf Langeland. Zwei Jets haben sie da schon , unter anderem
3 April 2015, 08:47

I actually finally found a place where I can buy this Bondic stuff... Now I can check it out.
5 April 2015, 18:43

Thanks! But I already found some errors in my paint job. The red area on the wings should go up to where the black area starts. And the anti glare panel has to be round'isher at the tip. Well, not too late to fix that. I might also highlight some panels in different metal shades.
6 April 2015, 11:18

The paint job is now officially done 🙂 Perhaps I'll really be able to finish this one before 2016...
22 June 2015, 20:50

Hi Bernd. I just ordered some Bondic online. Have you found any issues with using it for modelling?
23 June 2015, 10:44

I use Bondic for making "lights"/lenses and to attach small pieces, eg. photo etched pieces, instead of using super glue. The advantage of bondic is you can align the to-be-attached pieces as long as you like as it will only cure once you use the included LED light on it. However, I didn't get an good results when I tried to use Bondic as a filler. Once cured it is very hard to sand.
23 June 2015, 11:09

Just for your reference. I pre-ordered it after I saw this post but I had a problem that the Bondic tube starts to leak after siting in it's metal case for a while(a month or two I can't remember), the resin just melted down the tube and now the whole tip assembly just broken off it and the resin just messed up everywhere in the container.I swear nobody touched it within that period of time. And the reason why it was sitting there was because the result of this product was not good. It couldn't bond things hard enough. You can easily tear its pieces off after it's cured and then you'll just go back to your start point. I don't think I will spend $25+ on this thing again. In my opinion creating lens for the models might be the only useful option for this product, as long as you would like to spend that much money. And you also need to finish it as fast as you can as it won't stay long on your shelf.
23 June 2015, 14:38

Hi Martin, true, I had the same problem with the broken-off tip. Now I'm storing the box always in the upright position and use a toothpick to apply small amounts of Bondic.
23 June 2015, 16:46

@Martin and @Bernd. Thanks for the info. Ever since this post I have been looking for this stuff and about a month or so ago I found some. After reading this I ran into the mancave and found a place to store it upright tip pointing up.
23 June 2015, 21:04

Very nice, hope to see it at a scale modeling event. Cheers Stefan
31 December 2015, 11:13

Thanks a lot! @Stefan: I plan to attend Heiden in April but I don't think I can take any models with me.
2 January 2016, 10:03
Album info
Some in progress shots of my Thunderflash. And hopefully some day also some photos of the completed kit. Edit: This day has arrived now 🙂