BMP-1Pビュー: スライドショー モザイク リスト 1January 8, 2014 2January 8, 2014Wheels were easy. The rear idlers include photo etch interior spokes 3January 8, 2014 4January 11, 2014Added wire plugs to headlights. 5January 11, 2014Added wire to plugs. 6January 11, 2014Lights installed 7January 11, 2014 8January 11, 2014 9January 11, 2014 10January 12, 2014 11January 12, 2014Wired the light as per the prototype. 12January 13, 2014Wired the smoke candles. 13January 13, 2014 14January 13, 2014Wired the main spotlight 15January 13, 2014Added an unditching beam on the rear. 16January 14, 2014 17January 14, 2014 18January 14, 2014 19January 14, 2014 20January 16, 2014Painted, dry-brushed, and pin-washed. Have to paint the little details next (shovel, tow cables, etc.) 21January 16, 2014 22January 16, 2014 23January 22, 2014Done! コメント8 January 2014, 04:56Hunter CumminsThis is awesome cant wait to see all of the weathering 😄😄 18 January 2014, 23:39AckiAmazing! I´m in. 18 January 2014, 23:41Project infoBMP-1P IFV34 画像1:35完成すべてのアルバムすべてのアルバムを見る »