20 February 2014, 20:54

Ich kenne Deinen Hind ja im Original. Die Bank und die anderen sratch gebauten Details sehen echt gut aus. Weiter so!
21 February 2014, 15:41

Oh the flying tank. Great choice!
The wrong scale but a great choice indeed.
I will follow this thread!
21 February 2014, 18:34
Album info
I am currently working on the famous Mil Mi 24 Hind from Trumpeter. The fit of the parts I used so far has been very good. A few things here and there have been scratched. For the rivets on the bench and the huge round plate under the bench I used a Punch and die set. Some lead wires were used for cables. As a reference I used photos off the www. It's coming a Long but it is still a far way until completion. One Thing is for sure, it is a fun Project.