WIP - Chinese Triplets (SPH, ATG, MLRS)
8 March 2014, 20:26

That's, what I call mass-production. Interior and camo looks good already.
18 May 2014, 19:52

I do have one of these in stash and it will be my first Chinese vehicle if i get to build it soon, are you using the color callouts by Trumpeter or of your own? Either way the camo is an eyecatcher, at least for now! 👍
18 May 2014, 19:59

Hunter, Pascal and Frank - thank you.
Murad - Trumpy provided paints in Gunze numbers. I'm using Tamiya mostly and I had to try few different mixtures for greens and yellow/earth. I can't remember numbers so i will provide them to you later.
18 May 2014, 20:16

very nicely done... also curieus after the paint-number. these are here also lurking around...
27 October 2014, 12:24

To Muzar and Bart: I used Tamiya paints and numbers are XF-5 Flat Green, XF-61 Dark Green and a mixture of XF-5 and XF-4 Yellow Green (in ratio about 1:8 ).
3 November 2014, 09:24